It notes "considerable benefits" of the project outweighing "significant adverse environmental effects."
The NEB is making recommendations to reduce the overall impact of marine traffic on Southern resident killer whales.
NEB said its recommendations apply to all sea traffic, and could offset the "relatively minor effects" of Trans Mountain-related shipping.
Remember, the feds will be deciding whether to approve an expansion project that the government itself owns.
Industry advocates will say pipeline buys breathing room to prop up prices *and* potentially fetch higher global benchmark price.
FWIW, NEB's Chief Environment Officer: "It was a comprehensive, technical, scientifically-based hearing. It was fair."
Sounds like they say it's probably significant, but also probably not all that much a change from significant traffic levels now, and that their recommendations would help out on all fronts.
NEB Says between 5 and 10 conditions were modified from their original form, while one condition was converted to one of the 16 "recommendations" to government.
So, vast majority of conditions unchanged since 2016.