Viral Video Success" and offered her a scholarship and cash gift to her mum. Nice! My question is, how does that help other children in the same school who were not fortunate enough to stumble on a relentless interviewer? #Thread.

Not every child has the temperament or charisma needed to pull off a viral video of that nature.
And even if they all did, do children need to put themselves out there to get what should be a fundamental right?
He could not tell us how it was that in a government school, children are made to return home for not having paid their school fees. What happened to UBE?
He did not issue a call to action, or declare of State of Emergency for basic education in the LGA.
All he did was offer some placebos...
We poke at issues on the surface, and leave the putrefaction and rottenness to continue to fester inside.
No heads are rolling that school children are being flogged for the failure of parents to pay their school fees.
It is one thing to point fingers at the government, but are other stakeholders doing their bit?
Is it out of place for community members to fund education in their communities?
When we fund private jet lifestyles of pastors, and cannot contribute to build a classroom block in a school in our community, who we epp?