, 61 tweets, 53 min read Read on Twitter
Well - it's my birthday today. It's also 3 weeks since we provided @RedbridgeLive with a clear list of emergency needs as disanled, homeless people, that they need to help us meet as per the Care Act. NONE have been met.
@RedbridgeLive So - NO access to disabled bathing facilities suitable to our impairments, for months now. No hairwashing/drying. No support in accessing food, made increasingly impossible by disability, but also complete lack of cooking and refrigeration facilities.
@RedbridgeLive The distance to the car is too much for me, and for Stevie. She last "went out" on 16 January when she was forced, with Sean, to transfer to another Travelodge while I was in hospital. She hasnt seen anyone except me and her brother since.
@RedbridgeLive - oh I tell a lie, she HAS seen the housekeeping staff. She has also been fprced to change rooms twice, with Sean and me, because of policy. It's exhausting and damaging to all of us, physically and mentally. We are so confused and disoriented, losing vital things in th process.
@RedbridgeLive My health has deteriorated severely again, both in terms of arthritic pain, and in cardiac/respiratory impairment. The physical harm by lack of access to the car, being forced to drag myself when I'm not able, has damaged me more every day.
@RedbridgeLive Sean's health has also deteriorated, and his job is in jeopardy. This is his reward from@redbridgelive for taking on the caring of his two relatives (Stevie and me) and saving them so much money.
@RedbridgeLive @RedbridgeLive of course having showed their appreciation already for MY caring labour by ensuring I have no support as a carer OR disabled person, for years.
@RedbridgeLive And they are carrying on with the "no planning for these scumbags" approach, which also functions as a means of psychological torture, by making sure NOT to book accommodation for us after 2 April, until the last minute, if at all.
@RedbridgeLive Let alone disability accessible accommodation. The toilet base of the new room we were forced to move into the day before yesterday (meaning Sean forced to take MORE time off work) is unstable, ie wpbbling badly. We're in danger of falling every time we use it.
@RedbridgeLive So, we are once again facing lethal sleeping rough. My breathing is bad. I'm in agony. My health, Stevie's health, Sean's health, deteriorating more each day, mentally and physically.
@RedbridgeLive The lack of bathing is particularly upsetting and socially excluding, for obvious reasons, and there is a lot even I do not feel brave enough to admit about how abject our lives are. The point is - Redbridge's behaviour brought us to this, also the DWP.
@RedbridgeLive Also some shitty doctors. I'm also aware this sort of thing is happening to others. THAT DOES NOT MAKE IT DEFENSIBLE. @RedbridgeLive continue to flout the law, fail their duty of care, and harm us further every day.
@RedbridgeLive Now FOUR WEEKS since we set out our EMERGENCY needs as homeless disabled people and carers to @RedbridgeLive and still nothing. They've known of course about our desperate situation for a lot longer. Our physical and mental health and wellbeing consequently declines each day.
@RedbridgeLive Coming up to FIVE weeks now. No meeting of our even basic eligible needs, as required by the Care Act, by @RedbridgeLive . All in very bad way healthwise as result. Something else though, which we need to air to public scrutiny...
@RedbridgeLive As some will know, we are appealing a spurious "intentional homelessness decision" by Redbridge. In an email of 11 March, Nerissa Cole claimed to me that the County Court had decided that we HAD made ourselves intentionally homeless. Just had it confirmed that this is false.
@RedbridgeLive In fact, NO-ONE from Redbridge turned up to contest our appeal on 13 December. I wasnt there as too dangerously ill. NO decision was made. I now have this officially from the Court, albeit after 4 months of asking.
@RedbridgeLive I had already asked Cole for verification of her claim. She neither provided this nor answered me. Obviously Redbridge had already disobeyed the Court Order in September (to provide me with key evidence). The Court itself had made various administrative errors also.
@RedbridgeLive Cole also attempted to implicate @Shelter in this false claim, claiming Shelter had sent me information about the County Court's "decision" that never was. It may be Cole's bad sentence construction that is misleading on this point, but...
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter The claim that the County Court had decided we were intentionally homeless was clear, though false. The question therefore arises: where did this false claim come from?
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter Meanwhile, another Appeal hearing against the spurious "intentional homelessness decision" is being scheduled. This raises other issues which I 'll publicise in due course, because, sadly, the air of public scrutiny is the only real safeguard available 2my family at this point.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter In the meantime, my daughter, a #disabled woman, has had to live in one room since December, on a too small bed (no other furniture), with NO access to outdoor sunlight, fresh air, and no prospect of such, thanks2 @RedbridgeLive. She'd be treated better in jail if a criminal.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter Now OVER SIX WEEKS AND COUNTING - STILL no support for us as disabled homeless people and/or carers. Stevie still cannot get out, even in this lovely spring weather. I am still unbathed. My health deteriorating again. Sean still juggling work and caring with no help whatsoever.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter After @RedbridgeLive misleading us into believing the Court found in favour of their "intentional homelessness" claim; breaking legal deadlines; & defying a court order: a new court case will be scheduled in 6-8 weeks. Redbridge continue a war of attrition in that context.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter Meanwhile we still face sleeping rough from 28 April, so there's that terror still hanging over us.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter And I have been enjoying a relentless deterioration in my degenerative arthritis, and chest pain every day. Thanks for all that @RedbridgeLive @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal With the traumas of being homeless, disabled, without basic needs met, lethal risks etc it still manages 2 upset me that, in the multiple displacements we've suffered since November, I've lost my embroidery stuff - threads, fabric, hoops - so can't even do that as a distraction.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal I'm sure somewhere thpugh someone reading the above is thinking that homeless women have no business enjoying such fripperies as embroidery anyway.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal I'd also like to "thank" @Redbridgelive for making my daughter feel suicidal, because her life has become SO limited, SO deprived, with NO good outcomes for the future available to her, because of how you have, and continue, to mistreat her. Slow clap for you.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal I get that talking about suicidal feelings and despair (even if not my own) makes others cringe and brings down the bank holiday joy. I'm not going to apologise though. @RedbridgeLive have worked really hard on being discriminatory, abusive, negligent etc and should get credit.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal Now SEVEN weeks since we furnished @RedbridgeLive Social Services with a Statement of Emergency needs. Not one has been met. On top of that, the hotel booking expires on Saturday, and no further booking made, so lethal rough sleeping risk looms AGAIN.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal Court appeal case re "intentional homelessness" claim due in a few weeks. Obviously the more damaged we are- disorientated, hungry, unwashed, in agony, traumatised, in abject fear of death etc - the more difficult to pursue our case. @RedbridgeLive know this of course.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal Previously of course @RedbridgeLive defied the Court Order, leaving us 2sleep rough, forcing us 2drive to a static caravan in Cornwall, where my already dangerously compromised health became life threatening, and we could not make the Court Hearing. I was hospitalised soon after
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal Then of course Stevie became dangerously ill and was also hospitalised. Sean had to escort his mother and sister separately to hospital in ambulances on blue light sirens. Then he fell ill himself in the hotel we had had to book.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal This is more than mere incompetence by @RedbridgeLive. It is wilful negligence, and it is causing us all grave harm every day.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal Friday, and no booking for the (inaccessible) hotel or any other by Redbridge. We could be facing lethal rough sleeping Sunday. My adult disabled daughter in terror.
@RedbridgeLive KNOW she suffers from severe PTSD symptoms, because of her situation, that they caused.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal Psychological torture, negligence (neglect) and acts of omission, and disability discrimination: all acts of abuse that are specifically prohibited by the Care Act.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal I said this yesterday elsewhere, but it should be said here too. As a survivor of domestic abuse, I can truthfully say that @RedbridgeLive 's ongoing mistreatment of us is as being in an abusive relationship, that you cannot escape.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal Obviously people will notice here that it gets later and later into a Friday afternoon, when Redbridge staff will leave for the weekend, yet no accommodation for us has been booked. Availability is at severe risk. This is #homeless people psychologically tortured.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal Update: Very late this afternoon - and NOT from Redbridge - I learned that a late booking was made for another 30 days. Still none of our basic needs being met and this still causing us harm, but at least we are not sleeping rough this weekend.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal Sadly my rapid atrial fibrillation, which is affected adversely by stress, was making my pulse 130 and irregular this afternoon, and that is only now going down slowly. Some chest pain too. The stress of today was too much to be honest. And @RedbridgeLive keep doing this to us.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal I need to talk about my son here. Sean has been caring for his older sister since she fell ill when they were both children. @RedbridgeLive KNOW he's been caring for her because they produced paperwork that says he is to care for her (as I am too) though without our consent.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal This contravenes the Care Act. But Sean has also been carung for ME also since about 2014, as I became increasingly more disabled and in need of assistance. He has had to care for two people then, while working six days a week.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal In 2014 he was made redundant, and was actually eligible for and claimed Carers Allowance for caring for his sister, Stevie. In October 2014 Sean was hit over the head with a hammer by a gang of younger men when they tried to mug him, for £1, in the street in which we lived.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal Sean suffered a compound fractured skull. His speech centre of his brain was damaged and he still has problems with this. He had a police presence by his bed for days in case he died of his injuries and to quote an insensitive senior policeman "it turns into a murder enquiry".
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal He had to have extensive surgery in which he had 3 titanium plates and 6 titanium screws fitted to his skull, which are still there. He had to have his facial muscles cut away to do this, then had to have those reattached. He has a huge horseshoe shaped scar.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal Obviously I also had to care for Sean. At one point I had two adults with brain damage to care for, not knowing what the future would hold.the trauma on the family was huge, despite our tendency towards the stoic and resilient.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal They never caught the perpetrators. Sean has inevitably himself suffered, and is still suffering from resulting PTSD symptoms, including agorophobia. Being homeless, in the situation we are in, is inevitably excacerbating this. And @Redbridgelive know that this happened to him.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal @RedbridgeLive also know he has damaged his back, and his caring role both adversely affected that, and vice versa. They know he works as well as cares. Yet they refused to take his needs into account as a carer to two people, or as a person with impairments in his own right.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal So, while @RedbridgeLive force my adult disabled daughter to stay on a child's camp bed, indoors since January as unable to get out for freash air or sunlight, with her own PTSD symptoms; leave me without any means to bathe since then, forced to hobble unsafe distances...
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal ...at constant risk of falls; all of us food insecure and hungry, to the point Sean has become dizzy and faint while at work: they have tried to deny Sean's caring role, in particular falsely claiming his working outside the home means he is not caring for us!
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal They have therefore again contravened the Care Act. But his own health problems have also been ignored, by both Social Services AND Housing Options, who, as @wesstreeting was told by Jackie Odunoye, are "liasing closely on this case". You could not make this up.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal The conditions we are in ARE affecting Sean extremely badly, as he tries to hold down his job while homeless. He lost 3 months work when we had to got to the static caravan in Cornwall to escape rough sleeping, AND when we returned, as we all got ill Stevie and I dangerously so.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal I also got dangerously ill a third and fourth time in January and February, as my friends will particularly remember. Sean lost work then too for obvious reasons. @RedbridgeLive still refuse to meet our emergency needs, and leave booking accommodation until the last minute...
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal ...in full knowledge that this places us at immediate danger of being forced into lethal rough sleeping, that the resulting stress is overwhelming, and that at least 2 members of the family are suffering from #PTSD symptoms. But @Jas_Athwal claims his staff are "compassionate".
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal That child's camp bed for Stevie? She's a 31 year old woman who is 5 ft 10 inches tall. The bed is too short for her as some1 with neurological dysfunction forced 2b bedbound. She cannot stretch on it. Her toes are constantly curled. She is seizing up. Your doing @RedbridgeLive
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal You @RedbridgeLive leave her in basically a box 24 hours a day, with me, no privacy or respite from each other, her on a wholly unsuitable bed (before that we were BOTH on unsuitable beds which had put me in danger), socially excluded. This is how you treat disabled residents.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal It is physical and psychological torture @RedbridgeLive This is what you are wilfully practising: your resentment at disabled people accessing your budgets is THAT unreasonable and fervent, you refuse to even comply with the laws enabling that.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal This morning, I received a letter from@Redbridgelive threatening me with legal proceedings if I do not take down all my Tweets about them, and claiming that I have made "false statements". The thing is, I have swathes of evidence showing that what I have said is TRUE.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal A huge amount in fact, enough to make a very large legal bundle in any case. In the meantime, we are approaching eight weeks since @RedbridgeLive
got our information on emergency needs - but have given us NO SUPPORT. Their priorities lie with threatening us - AGAIN.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal And, they are telling us we have never bern abused, threatened or coerced. @RedbridgeLive - the Council who refused to safeguard us or investigate the abuse we have suffered AT THEIR HANDS are telling us that. You could not make this up.
@RedbridgeLive @Shelter @wesstreeting @Jas_Athwal They treat a family of disabled people and carers so badly that we are in a state of serious neglect and harm, to the point we're forced to highlight it on social media: then make legal threats RATHER than follow the law and meet our needs. Slow hand clap @RedbridgeLive
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