"We have been asking for this change for quite a few years now and now is the time to do it," he says.
Jim Everson is up next. He's from the Canola Council of Canada. #cdnag
If you're just getting into the canola beat now, here's an explainer on the issue:
"Our industry takes quality concerns based on science very seriously," he says.
Richardson International is up next. #cdnag
Meeting will likely run a little longer since we had to suspend, Chair said just before we started.
Viterra is up next. They're coming via video-conference from Regina.
"The decision is having a profound impact on our industry and will continue to have ... an impact" as it continues, Viterra says.
"We're working to manage the disruptions." #cdnag
"As a company and as an interest we take very high pride and very serious in a sound and science-based approach to its product." It's what makes Canada's canola safe and preferred by buyers around the world. #cdnag
"We need to work together and act swiftly to restore access to this very important market." #cdnag
First question is has something like this happened before around canola?
Richardson says no. Also, normally there is a "protocol, a standard approach"
"I think we do have to, as a country, deal with this claims ... with their agencies and lay that issue to rest." #cdnag
Viterra says there are two issues: short-term and longterm. The entire pipeline is affected when the grain that was supposed to go to China can't move.
Cash-flow, markets, price drops are all short-term urgent matters
He mentions the trade committee meeting this afternoon. (I'll be there too!)
He asks about SPS concerns. Richardson says "it's rare." Samples are taken at loading. It's analyzed before the boat leaves.
Viterra says they have never had an SPS issue related to canola.
"You've got an entire industry under warning and two companies under restriction."
Viterra says the Chinese also have pointed to the loading process itself
"What we do need is certainty in the markets." Need to make sure non-tariffs do not become wide-spread.
Is there any appeal process for something like this?
It's not like tariffs, where the tariff is there or not.
Next question is from NDP MP @AMacGregor4CML
Risk is an "abnormal" size carry-out. It's expected about 20 MT of canola will be grown this year. #cndag
Everson says the signal the Chinese embassy put out this weekend that they're willing to talk about technicalities is "positive." He says he expects the delegation Canada offers to send will be accepted.
Right now farmer are planting 1/3 canola, 2/3 other crops (wheat, barley, etc.) There are agronomic reasons to do that this year and there are agronomic reasons to maintain
Next question from Drouin is when do farmers get paid. White says they typically get paid at delivery. Don't get paid if it's sitting on-farm.
China, Everson says, is bigger than the next three markets for canola seed. Hands it off to Richardson and Viterra.
Richardon says "there's opportunity." #cdnag
Diversification requires lots of thinking, infrastructure etc. It's more a medium-longterm strategy, rather than a short term fix. #cdnag
Entire system is based on science. It's "a fundamental cornerstone" of Canada's agriculture industry and how it deals with parties like China. #cdnag
We should be using our system, "that we're proud of" to defend the industry when it is needed. #cdnag
Otherwise, the market will be thrown into uncertainty. "We believe it isn't quality." Richardson says, but need to get that issue out of the way before officials can move on to other issues
@earl_dreeshen is up next. #cdnag
'What are you hearing from producers, from the farmer, as far as their frustrations about what is taking place." #cdnag
"You feel the tone on the phone is very much worried. I can't express how difficult it is for some of the farmers out there." They're wondering what to do and they don't know. #cdnag
Canola has been a good crop to move. It's a good crop in terms of its "overall prospects."
"The feeling we get from our people in the country could lead to a scaling back of acreage in Western Canada"#cdnag
"I think there's a lot that are maybe assuming the worst-cased scenario if this extends." Frustration, deep concern, "What will this mean? What will I do?"
He's talking about vegan activists, anti-GMO groups, etc.
Erin Weir gets a question. He's from Sask. #cdnag
White says increasing the limit should be expanded to at least $800,000. Sask has suggested $1M. "Any of those numbers will work."
"They're going to hit the lid on it." White says.
Gorrell has earned much praise from former agriculture minister @GerryRitzxMP for his role in the resolving past canola trade disputes with China. #cdnag
CFIA undertook additional testing. All affected companies were contacted by AAFC.
There's been calls and letters between CFIA about the Chinese dispute.
There have been two technical calls. There have been letters sent. Today a CFIA official had a meeting with their Chinese counterpart on the sidelines of a meeting on plant health.
Berthold wants to know if CFIA is 100 per cent sure about its test findings. He says "Yes."
"I have strong confidence"
Sounds like they want more meetings.
We're suspending.