, 81 tweets, 15 min read Read on Twitter
Well, looks like Twitter also has gone crazy on this thread. Am splitting the thread now for convenience.
Old one.
Confused with such a high demand for teachers in KP, the govt ordered a verification drive only to find that ghost schools and students are almost 30% of the total enrolments. It is not surprising that majority of these came from areas with very high support to Pakistan.
IMF ordered Pakistan to transfer all it's bank accounts, amounting to almost 13.5 billion USD into a single bank. This is to ensure IMF can act before it's loans turn NPA; and corruption and siphoning off money for paying Chinese loans and defence will be under control.
Doctors are now supporting the pro-Pashtunistan movement - this is due to the deliberate avoidance and restriction of medical facilities poor people in rural KP. On the other side, the hypocrisy of the govt came to the forefront when they decided to ban beggary but not slavery.
Noticing the extravaganza in marriages in Pakistan, govt has increased the taxes and registration fees for marriage halls. This is on top of the protection money which they pay to run their businesses. The new blow has a potential to shutdown all the marriage halls in Islamabad.
Pathan's Diary Entry
I don't know why I am born in this country. All life they teach only to hate India, even if it means ruin. Everywhere, there is chaos and in spite of that, army demands more. Now, polio threat is declared all over Pakistan. Where is the money to buy vaccines?
Another attack in Balochistan. Five buses were stopped and 14 persons are shot in cold blood after identity is verified. It is understood that all the dead are from Pakistani Navy and the identities of the dead are suppressed though Rumours are they are Baloch shot by the Army.
However, the fact that the perpetrators were able to set up check posts on major roads unhindered raises serious questions over the competence of Pakistani forces in Balochistan and strongly hint at insider support. Not to ignore is the fact that this can impact FATF blacklist.
Protests have already started in Pakistan calling for revenge, even a Zarb-e-Azb. Accd to the Pakistani mode of governance, we have Punjab at the top and everyone else should serve the Punjabis. It is unfathomable to Pakistani psyche that anyone can dare challenge the Pakistanis.
Pathan's Diary Entry
I am very sad - sad because I ruined a country and because I don't have power to do anything. I did everything to hold Asad in power. But, what am I before Qamar and China? The maximum I can do is, throw tantrums like punishing press by calling it fake news.
Pathan noticed that Qubani Gafoor is not coming to office regularly. He is not posting anything from his official handle but is posting only from his private handle and this started from the day he wasn't in the list of those who are promoted. Rumours are
rife that he is being sidelined for his notched up running of DG ISPR - the F16 fiasco, the destruction of his Twitter army and his failure to rebid and also his closeness to Pathan. It looks as if he is put on a notice period and he isn't bothered to come to office any more.
After news of India blocking cross-border trade with Pakistan as the route is used for smuggling essentials and pump in weapons into India, there is tremendous anger inside Pakistan over non availability of essentials at affordable rates. This is projected as India escalating.
Khattak's Diary Entry
What am I hearing? Gafoor sir is no more DGISPR? No one tells me anything and I don't even know what I am doing. Though I tried to meet him many times, he didn't give me appointment. He spoke with me once when he saw me in GHQ. How happy I was that day!!
Pathan told me one day that he asked Gafoor sir to send his family out of Pakistan and asked him to bide for time. I don't know where he is, but I pray to god that he will have a happy time with his family. It's sad that someone as dedicated as Gafoor sir isn't given a promotion.
Khattak's Diary Entry
Just saw a tweet from Gafoor sir's DG ISPR ID. But, the language doesn't seem to be his. Is it possible that he is not doing the job anymore and someone else replaced him to do that work? It will be the saddest day for me if Gafoor sir is out of DG ISPR.
Pathan's Diary Entry
Qamar came to me and was discussing who should replace Asad and others. It was more like he ordering me than discussing with me. He has already decided the name and I am seeing some military names in that. Does that mean, it's a hint I should follow Asad?
Pathan is surprised by the turn of events. On one side, India has blocked cross-border trade with Pakistan but hasn't said a word over Sindh's proposal to open a trade route via Munabao with India. Why would India do that, unless it doesn't recognzie Sind as a part of Pakistan?
Qamar's pressure on one side and cricket team lobbying on the other are taking a toll on Pathan's govt. Rumours are, after Fawad lobbied hard for a place in Parliamentary Cricket Team to England, those opposing hims struck and got him sacked after outing his links with Musharaf.
Pathan's Diary Entry
I am fed up. Qamar replaced every good minister with his point man - as if it isn't enough, he snatched Interior Affairs from me and handed it over to the handler of Osama the Great and Merciful. I don't even know whether I should resign or wait till sacked.
Qamar's War Journal
Asad crossed the red line by complaining about army budget. Doesn't he know Pakistan is an army with a country. He will have to go. And Pathan, how dare he not sack him for such dialogues? I will do one thing. I will place Ijaz in cabinet and send a message.
News is coming that Sharyar is sacked by acting tough on Ramadan adulteration. While 50000 litres of drink contaminants are caught two days ago, today, he warned fruit and vegetable vendors not to increase the prices in the window. Tamatar and mango lobbies are the worst hit
On the news of a missing Chinese individual in Islamabad, Pakistani Army is mobilized to trace his whereabouts. No insult to any Chinese is tolerated inside Pakistan even if they are on the wrong side of the law and a missing person can mean serious repercussions to Pakistan.
The shuffle in Pakistan is not being taken positively by expatriate Pakistanis. ISI is threatening people criticizing the coup with physical harm and even liquidation. However, it is not known how an intelligence wing low on budget and global footprint will fulfil it's threats.
Absence of Qubani Gafoor from stewardship and the induction of a known hardliner Ijaz in the cabinet is sending shockwaves across Pakistan. In fear of reprisals, the online footprint of Pakistanis has gone down drastically. Adding to the confusion is, whom to support in govt.
The speed at which the new government struck astonished everyone. Instead of chasing companies for money, the new government ordered all the companies to get a clearance from NAB in order to run their business. It goes without saying that they will be forced to bribe heavily.
It is revealed today that India's stopping of cross-border trade is a consequence of Qamar sacking Asad and inducting Ijaz into cabinet. Sensing a heavy rise in smuggling and infiltration through the border checkpoints, India decided to act to ensure nothing untoward happens.
The shockwaves of Qubani Gafoor's incompetency are felt even across the border. After Qubani Gafoor stopped posting from his official handle, a major PCBC from a political entity has declared that she is no more the spokesperson. Further hardlining of stand is expected anytime.
Sir, you should go to Quetta today to meet the Hazaras.
Pathan: Forget it. They are not worth the time.
OK Sir. I will tell that you are sick
Pathan: OK. Wait. Give the reason as after Asad and Sharyar left, I am busy with their replacements in policy making. I will go tomorrow.
The Balakot and F16 incidents doesn't seem to stop haunting Pakistan. Charges are filed against a Pashtun Air Defence Officer for conniving with India and not acting against the Indian breach at Balakot. Whether this came before or after Pashtun long march need to be ascertained.
More disconcerting information coming over yesterday's Balochistan incident - nome of them - Army, PM, President condemned the attack yet. We can understand the turmoil in the army due to Qubani Gafoor's exit, but the silence of the other two hint they are ordered not to comment.
Pathan is elated. Asad's sacking order is rolled back again and he is still the Finance Minister. It looks like Qamar is having a tough time deciding between army budget and IMF/FATF. Not having 80% army cut is going to be a serious issue for him but, FATF is a bigger issue.
The sickening pace of orthodoxy inside Pakistan is countering the modernist face of the Pathan's govt. Girl students are sitting in protest in KP after not being allowed to sit for exams by the invigilators. They were told in no mean terms that education is not a woman thing.
Army mobilization inside Islamabad and other major cities to prevent any untoward incidents targetting Christians over the Easter weekend. Special protection is provided to Tamatar Mandis as more people are expected to flock there due to lack of easy availability of Tamatar.
In view of Baloch fight for independence, the govt refused farm loans to the farmers as a collective punishment to the society. Only 1.1% of the total loan allocated is disbursed to farmers and the amount is being used as a bribe to wean off people from the independence movement.
After a major industrialist supported an opposition candidate in India (this is more to do with personal rapport and not political bonhomie), Tamatar Qureshi has expressed hope that the ruling party will be defeated and the new govt will be more amenable to Pakistani interests.
Pathan's Diary Entry
Am I the Prime Minister or am I the decorated Kathputli on display? First, Qamar messed my cabinet. Then, he ordered me not to tweet over Balochistan, then, he ordered me not to go to Peshawar and meet the cricket team. And next, what? Buzdar? Why not me?
Yesterday's rebellion in PCB is understood to be due to the order passed by PCB to disallow family members accompanying players for the Cricket World Cup citing lack of funds. After force feeding Biryani without essentials, this is the new controversy to hit Pakistani Cricket.
Celebration time in Pakistan. A new oil well with a potential daily output of .06% of total consumption(380 barrels) is identified near Islamabad and combined with clamp down on petrol usage, this can alleviate Pakistani fuel problems to some extent. A huge party is being thrown.
Qamar is really clueless how to manage the security scenario. Indian border is making him bankrupt, Balochistan and internal security are draining him and the new problem - Daesh-TTP. As of now, he asked Taliban to pound the Daesh from the north and he will close them from south.
Asad is finally removed. Pathan was forced to say in public, whoever doesn't perform keeping interests of the army in mind, will face the same fate as that of Asad. Pathan is not happy and there is only that much he can do. Jang-e-Tamatar has consumed it's first official victim.
Another bad news for Qamar. Indian govt have identified a massive cache of Chinese arms in Kashmir - Qamar ordered the terrorist-paramilitaries to use them to ensure weapons are not traced back to Pakistan but the fact they are found amongst Pakistani weapons undid everything.
Pathan had another brainwave. The bombing at Balakot was done with Israeli bombs. How will it be, if he proposes starting diplomatic terms with Israel? May be, he can use that bribe to stop Israel from giving such bombs to India? He decided to go to Qamar with his new found idea.
After Bilal, Qamar conferred with NLI officers. The visit of two of the top officers of Pakistani Army in less than a month indicates the damage they faced against India. The presence of Bilal in the meeting sent a clear message that Qamar is not happy with the talks of rebellion
Pathan today accepted in the remote Orkazai that, in spite of he raising the complaints of Pashtun independence movement for 15 long years, governments never bothered to address them and that their demands are justified. In spite of that, he asked them to desist from secession.
The government's lack of focus on law and order as a general rule in Pakistan reared it's ugly head in the form of taharrush in a recent fest at Lahore. However, the agency responsible for security has accused the victims of stealing Tamatar in an attempt to whitewash the crime.
Baloch govt announced that no treatment will be done in any hospital without a CNIC. By ensuring a majority of Baloch are not issued CNICs as a collective punishment on the society, the govt ensured that a sick Baloch will not get good medical treatment anywhere in the country.
Pathan went to Qamar with his Israel proposal. Qamar was having Tamatar Soup when Pathan explained. When Pathan told as a goodwill measure, we will release the Israeli pilot captured in F16 incident, Qamar choked on his soup - Pathan didn't know there was no Israeli pilot.
The precision of yesterday's attack in Balochistan, though a false flag, and the sacking of a Pashtun officer as a scapegoat for Balakot raised another possibility inside Pakistan, which if true, means huge implications for Pakistan - covert support inside the army for armed
rebellion. There is already a massive discontent among Baloch and NLI inside the army and it's a matter of time this anger expands to KP and Sind resulting in a potential mutiny or desertion from Pakistani Army. It's a bigger trouble because they will be replaced by Punjabis.
The possibility of rebellion is furthed by the fact that Pakistani Army is seeing desertions of Baloch soldiers and there is news of Baloch soldiers outing troop movements resulting in disastrous consequences. Also, Baltis are yet to forget the treatment given to them at Kargil.
The continuous war like situation and traditional excesses carried out by Pakistan led to people protesting on the roads in GB and Kashmir with a high possibility to turn into an armed struggle with an unintended side effect - Pakistan will be blocked from interfering in India.
More details emerging on the attack in Balochistan. An ISI agent in Karachi was used to contact the Baloch terrorists along with the troop movement details. The roads were deliberately left open to facilitate setting up of a check post. Even, calls for relief were not answered.
On the other side, to deflect attention, Pakistan has formally blamed Iran for the attack. It is important to note that Pakistan based terrorists killed 27 IRGC soldiers in a cross-border attack. This is after they blamed Baloch, Daesh-TTP and even India for this attack.
After news of high level defections to India after seeing the writing on the wall, Qamar launched a massive tank operation inside Cholistan. As of now, Cholistan is the most comfortable border area in all Pakistan to escape into India with a reasonable chance of success.
Pathan's Diary Entry
What is this I am hearing? India declared it will support Khalistan inside Pakistan if Pakistan supports terrorism in Kashmir? Till date, they haven't support any secession movement inside Pakistan, but if they support Khalistan, we will most of Punjab.
The Chinese worker missing over which Pakistani Army launched a massive manhunt ended in a tragedy. The sort of wounds found over his body clearly shows that people vented their anger over Pakistani Army and it's support to CPEC at the expense of Pakistan over the poor worker.
A prominent Pakistani Journalist was forced to retract his article by saying someone used his name and that he would never write an article criticising the army and it's operations. This is a clear hint of the start of army rule famed for it's disappearances and muzzled voices.
Pathan's Diary Entry
Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence and three times is enemy action - Goldfinger.
There is a continuous stream of accidents in Indian trains. I will have to go and check with Qamar if this is his handiwork. Different thing, he won't answer me, though.
Qamar's War Journal
Why am I having a nagging feeling Pathan is trying to escape from Pakistan? Let me do one thing. I will send in tanks into Cholistan and send a formal note of complaint to Iran over yesterday's ISI attack. That will make him think twice before crossing over.
Tamatar Qureshi is tensed and he knows he is tricked over 16-20. He sources told something big is happening and he added his own words - India will attack. Something big happened - military coup and three major attacks inside Pakistan. He is clueless if something happened or not.
Pakistan received a few more AWACS. Though the country is jubilant over this achievement, Qamar is morose - what exactly is he going to do with an AWACS whose warnings cannot be acted upon - where are the planes? Rather, not having an AWACS will remove the tension when bombed.
Pakistan didn't take the army coup masquerading as cabinet change lightly. While a political party taunted Pathan to have his own ministers and not ours, all opposition is planning to have Islamabad on siege till Pathan resigns. Qamar has ordered army units to crush the protests.
IMF is not happy with Pathan's new Financial Advisor - they are more comfortable dealing with Asad, mainly because he can act according to his own will. That besides, this sudden a change in Finance Ministry raised red flags in IMF and they are going to rescrutinize things again.
Pathan is still throwing tantrums on Asad being sacked and he is trying to bring him back into the Cabinet and as a way to assert his will, Pathan has declared the cabinet changes are not yet over. However, deep in heart, Pathan knows this bravado is not going to have any takers.
State Bank of Pakistan decided to discontinue premium prize bonds after annual depreciation of rupee crossed interest rate on the bonds, making the bonds less valuable than paper currency of the same value. Also to note is the fact that the registered bonds data is fed to NAB.
And the economic chaos spreads unabated. After the rise in prices starting from Tamatar and extending to milk, fuel and medicines, now, car prices are increased by 10-15% per unit for the retail customer. A part of this is due to the unaffordability and unavailabilty of fuel.
However, the loss making PIA made profits for the first time in decades - it's not due to increased footfall, but due to reduced number of loss making flights in view of Indian border situation. This is on top of the fact that PIA is being officially used for smuggling for money.
Qamar is still not able to understand why the French warship is still lingering in Arabian Sea. Is it because their govt is expecting something to be found on Notre Dame? Is it because they were promised a live demo of Indian weaponry using Abbasi as target? Is it something else?
The Tri-Services Chief Zubair has formally confirmed the reason for the coup - need for additional military expenditure. Clearly, the army is not getting enough money and he pitched in for increased expenses stressing on the need of of importing military hardware.
After blaming Iran for the false flag attack, Pakistan asked Iran to respond to the dossier it gave. Besides, Tamatar Qureshi provoked Iran by pinning the attack on them and of his plans to build a border fence. However, it is widely known Pakistan doesn't have money to build one
The coincidence that both Pathan and Tamatar Qureshi are out of the country at the same time and the time matches with cabinet shuffle ordered by the army is too hard to miss. How can one ignore the fact that the last military coup was effected by denying landing rights to Nawaz?
It is now clarified that Pathan's China visit is for Yanqing Horticultural Fest and not for any official deals. While he will be busy focussing on the Tamatar cultivars created this year, his army attache will be taking all the decisions. Pathan will just sign the papers.
A major operation is launched against BRAS blaming them for yesterday's attack and large tracts of land is razed to deny food to the Baloch as punishment. This should be looked more from the angle of operational alertness of the army for Indian theatre than targeting any outfit.
After the rejection of his promotion and his removal as DG ISPR, Qubani Gafoor is a broken man. And another blow for his F16 narrative, India gave a gallantry award for the pilot who shot down Qamar's F16. However he is begging, there is none to listen to his narrative.
And the Baloch reaction for this targetted harassment started - with border posts attacked, pipelines targetted and army assets targetted at multiple locations. A major action between the Baloch and the Pakistani Army near Kech is slowly seeing the Baloch gaining upper ground.
Sri Lanka is given an Easter gift by interested parties in Pakistan - the same country which snubbed India and supported them in 1971. More than 150 Christians killed in Sri Lanka in serial bomb blasts - it looked as if Qamar asked them to go and attack anywhere else but Pakistan
Pathan's Diary Entry
What is this I am hearing? 150 killed in Sri Lanka bombing and as usual, there is a link to Pakistan? Are these people mad? How exactly are they expecting Pakistan will get money? Sri Lanka accepted to play cricket inside Pakistan and now you make them angry.
A Saudi Prince once said, Pakistanis are our slaves. True to the word, a Pakistani Major General was ordered to receive a Saudi contingent under a Colonel in Risalpur. This comes immediately after Pakistan Day Celebrations where Saudi contingent refused to shake hands with Alvi.
A few days of pressure on the border is breaking the resolve of pro-Pakistani forces in Indian Kashmir. Desperate people are heard begging with Indian authorities to provide access to their relatives across the border - to give them some food and succour from army brutalities.
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