
1️⃣Uncover your deeper yes
✳️What is important to me? Why?
✳️What about that value is so much at my core that I’m not willing to compromise?
✳️How can I communicate that “yes” value to the other?
✳️How can I communicate no while still being respectful? ✳️Acknowledging the other’s need and point of view is helpful. Be direct & honest.
✳️Keep the focus on how this “no” supports my “yes”.
✳️Have a BATNA: best alternative to negotiated agreement
✳️Focus on how the relationship can still be positive despite the no
✳️Always have a positive proposal to offer, recognizing the other’s values/needs while not compromising yours
✳️There May be renegotiations as u come to an agreement-don’t give up
Don’t allow your response to a crucial conversation to be reactive and negative or emotional. Go to ur balcony: Take some time to breathe, sleep on it, talk to advisors. Write your response then come back to it later.
*ps. I don’t know @WilliamUryGTY personally nor do I have any COI to disclose regarding his book. I just really enjoyed it and think negotiation skills are important!