@harvardmed Professor Dr. Neel Shah to @HarvardHealth:
American #women today are 50% MORE likely to die in childbirth than our mothers were & “the risk is consistently 3 to 4 times higher for black women than white women...”health.harvard.edu/blog/a-soaring…
The @CDCgov found the infant mortality rate for black babies in our nation is TWICE that of white babies. ajc.com/news/national/…
“this is not just a poverty story. Babies born to well educated, middle-class black mothers are more likely to die before their first birthday than babies born to poor white mothers with less than a high school education”

As the daughter of a former NICU nurse (& mom to 2 daughters), this shocked me so much that I included it in our campaign commercial last Fall.ajc.com/news/state--re…
California reduced its maternal death rate 55% in 4 yrs.
#Georgia could do the same. #gapol