I assume you're talking about the article that appeared today, Nancy Pelosi, saying Trump is taunting the Dems to impeach him.
So there are really two questions:
(1) Why would Trump want to be impeached? and . . .
And the second question: (2) Why would Nancy Pelosi say that Trump wants to be impeached?
If you read through the article, Pelosi also talks about how annoyed she is that Trump is stonewalling the investigations.
If the Democrats rush, impeach now, the Senate would acquit, and Trump would declare the matter over.
Trump then falls into the same category as Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson.
Right now there are multiple on-going investigations into Trump’s financial situation.
The House is trying to get his taxes.
The House is trying to get testimony from Mueller, McGahn, and others.
There are investigations going on everywhere!
Obviously there are already impeachable crimes.
But what might come up later?
As a legal matter the House can keep impeaching.
But as a political matter . . .
Imagine, after the whole spectacle of a Senate trial, the Dems say, "Wait! We have new evidence! We’re impeaching again!” And they do this over and over.
This would play into Trump’s hands. “They just keep coming after me,” he'd say.
Trump knows how to make a show. Thumbing his nose at the Democrats and saying, “Come on, impeach me, unless you’re chickens,” makes them look weak and hesitant, when in fact, they’re being careful . . .
A good rule is to ask, "What would Putin want?" Remember, Putin and Trump's interests are aligned. Putin wants impeachment! The more chaos and spectacle the better.
Pushing the Dems before they're ready would make it a better "show."
The second question: Why would Nancy Pelosi make a public statement about how Trump is goading the Dems to impeach him.
Yes, I think Pelosi is playing the game, and she's doing it right.
Here is the conclusion:

Trump is trying to throw the Dems off their game.
Pelosi is trying to throw HIM off HIS game.

Impeachment doesn't mean removal. Impeachment doesn't translate into secure elections.
Yeah, I know. I still make them on my blog. But when I find them, I can fix them.