[Photo by David Sischo]

25% of Hawaiian endangered plant taxa are from dry forests. #Conservation agencies, volunteers, and landowners of ‘Ulupalakua Ranch are changing that future by planting these🌱at Auwahi
Read more: rebrand.ly/y8eko6
[Photo: M. Oppenheimer/PEPP]

The first 🐝 to be federally listed as Endangered are Hawai’i’s endemic yellow-faced bees! The Service’s Coastal Program works with universities, the State, and community to protect them
Read more: goo.gl/Pdtaao
Photo by J. Graham

The endangered ʻAlalā (Hawaiian crow) and Åga (Mariana crow) are native to Hawai’i and Guam that were once extinct in the wild but are being released back their forests‼️
[Video of two released Åga by Andrew Zoechbauer]
Dry forests in Hawai’i are critical habitat for #EndangeredPlants. State, federal, and private landowners have partnered to protect them over the years! Kalaeloa NWR on O’ahu is a dry🌿forest🌿area, protecting the endangered ‘akoko and 'ewa hinahina!
Meet Caly: a Cyanea calycina!
Caly meet everyone: the people rooting for you!
Caly flowers once/yr & 🐤seek their nectar! Working w/@USGS, @uhmanoa, & @dlnr, U can 👀 her live: bit.ly/2WN0ETQ
📷 Ryan Mudd/UHM

No offense, but de-fences work! Fences keeps invasive predators out and deter human disturbance. With #partners, we fund/build fences for snails, seabirds and yellow-faced 🐝!
Read more on #endangered seabirds:
The Endangered ‘Ua‘u is 1️⃣ of 2️⃣ Hawaiian endemic seabirds. In 2018 state, federal, and non-profit #ConservationPartners, translocated 20 chicks to a predator-proof fence at Kīlauea Point NWR and 19 fledged!💪
Photo: 'Ua'u chick by A. Raine/KESP

Out of the 50 species of honeycreepers once found in the Hawaiian Islands, only 17🐦species remain.
The threatened ‘i’iwi's primary source of food is the ʻōhiʻa lehua🌳flowers. Now #RapidOhiaDeath compromises these native forests #SavingSpecies
Here in the Pacific there are many recovery projects to get involved in! Meet Becca Frager, one of our biologists who just completed a forest 🐦survey at Hakalau Forest #NationalWildlifeRefuge!🌿
Read her experience here: rebrand.ly/czmzrs

In Hawaiian oral history the Kāhuli are voices of the forest, singing as they travel up and down trees.🌳60% of these voices dimmed, but with partners like @dlnr Snail Extinction Prevention Program, we can keep kāhuli🐌voices ringing
Photo: David Sischo

Thank you to all our partners on #EndangeredSpecies
'A'ohe hana nui ke alu 'ia
No task is too big when done together by all
Photo: M. Sullivan/NOAA