Only "lifetime commited" people could know certain things (What things?!)
Skull and Bones☠️ is mentioned , & they have this"built in".
Transcript between Raniere (V) and Vicente are revealed in which a Movie idea is discussed:"The Good, the Bad, and the Mentor"- The idea circles around a good guy in a company looking to root out a bad guy or psychopath. The good guy enlists a "mentor" to help..
Defense:"The idea was that these kids would appreciate the cultures, yes?"
Vicente:"Thats what I was told"
We Learned (while Defense was trying to pain life of luxury for Vicente): #ClareBronfman #AlexanderBetancourt and #KeithRaniere purchased MULTIPLE properties on #Fiji, including a HOUSE and HOTEL... Under the name of ACK (Alex, Clare, Keith)!
#Qanon anyone?
Questioning continues... More (unflattering) audio of Raniere is played, speaking about commitment& power- Vicente said Raniere's belief was that by amassing more people with commitment they would gain power to influence elections, and countries?!. To be continued!...
I hope they dont get away with it. #NXIVM