Boy Scouts of America
Decades of sexual abuse.
1944-2016 - 48 States
7,819 identified suspects
12,254 VICTIMS👈
#'s grossly understate
how many molesters
infiltrated Scouts’ ranks over yrs
234 not named in #Blacklist…

has been abused by
troop leaders
or others affiliated w
Boy Scouts of America,
reach out + speak.
U no longer have 2 live in silence.💻
Step out of shadows.
Be strong.
Get pissed!

Boy Scouts of America
Oregon’s framers sought
2 require courts 2
conduct business of administering justice in public👈
RE: In a manner that permits
scrutiny of court’s work.
Oregon Supreme Court
unanimous 31-page ruling.…
Boy Scouts of America
in a statement:
"File system was kept confidential
2 encourage reporting of bad
or questionable behavior
by scout leaders,
+details of old cases,
coming 2 light yrs after fact,
could still harm innocent victims."👈
Boy Scouts of America
Strtd compiling files in 1920s
Kept under lock+key @ org's TX hq
1965 to 1970 Drop
» Redacted BS "perversion files".
» Oregonian's coverage 2 public BS files sexual abuse.
» LA Times' database of BS records.…
Boy Scouts of America
Boy Scout Perversion Files
reveal repeat child abuse
by sexual predators
"It is a fact Scouts R safer
because barrier created by
these files is real,"
Scouts Chief Exec Robert Mazzuca

Boy Scouts of America
Database contains info on about
5,000 men + handful of women
who were expelled from
Boy Scouts of America
between 1947 + January 2005
on suspicion of sexual abuse.…
Boy Scouts of America
Formally called
'Ineligible Volunteer Files'
but commonly known among
BS officials as
“the perversion files”
were submitted under seal as evidence
in a 2010 sex-abuse lawsuit in Oregon…
Boy Scouts of America
Names of 180 local
Boy Scout leaders
accused of sexually abusing minors
were revealed.
2 law firms released names
of 130 scout leaders from NY
50 from NJ.
Boy Scouts of America
Boy Scouts, 👈
Public Affairs,
Diana Banister
All part of the Newt machine.
Boy Scouts of America
Diana Banister
Shirley & Banister Public Affairs
worked w group
hoping 2 keep
🏳️🌈Boy Scouts of America🏳️🌈
from welcoming openly gay troop leaders.
Boy Scouts of America
Meet Craig Shirley
+ Diana Banister,
the right’s pitch-perfect conservatives.👈😲
Boy Scouts of America
Shirley & Banister
sweep sexual abuse under the rug
4 the Right.
Gym Jordan knows all about that.
He works w them all the time.

BS of America
Orange Mob Blob's Assault
"Chants of certain phrases
heard during campaign
(e.g. 'build the wall', 'lock her up')
R considered divisive by many members of our audience
+ may cause unnecessary friction."
Can ya unroll this hot mess
going on w the GOPervs
+ Boy Scouts of America?
Love ya.
Mean it!
1 in 6 men are sexually assaulted or raped.
Men struggle more in reporting
than do women.
A perpetual steamroller
of fuqqed.
Male survivors need 2 step up.
Now is the time.