Who needs movies when life is THIS THRILLING?
@Imperator_Rex3 @damartin32 @TheLastRefuge2 @DRUDGE @RealJamesWoods @TuckerCarlson @wikileaks @JulianAssange
We are in the INFORMATION age, right?
Enter “Venture capitalist” Suhail R. Rizvi, the co-founder and “Chief Investment Officer” of Rizvi Traverse Management.

Stick with me, it gets SO MUCH BETTER
They paid 18% over the stock value to make privatize it…Rizvi invested in an unprofitable Playboy why?

But who is interested in that goldmine, and what exactly, is worth so much money?
You know, the one who is currently hanging by his feet, being beaten by the mercenary crew formerly known as Blackwater?
Talal invested in Twitter “through” Rizvi…that means Rizvi invests Talal’s money. cnbc.com/2013/11/01/riz…

Las Vegas Shootings? Owns top floors of hotel
Hillary Clinton? Donated MILLIONS to her “Foundation”
John McStain? Donated MILLIONS to his “Institute”
Barack Obama? Paid his Harvard education

Know who else belongs to the MB? Huma Abedin (Hillary’s Senior Advisor). Google it, but go to the 3rd or 4th page, first pages are paid propaganda.

Who visited Saudi Arabia before all this happened? Who visited @POTUS in early 2017?
Think of what some hidden cameras in the Mansion could do for leverage of the Hollywood elite

Talal and Izri own a few movie companies, and through the Mansion, they own a majority of the moguls too.
And why out them? What’s the end game for whomever is outing them? Why not just use it to gain control of those moguls?

This is probably my fav part: Enter PAMELA ANDERSON

These are the kinds of people that rule over Hollywood. Movies change cultures. Ever wonder why our culture has become so immoral? cbelmira.com/blog/list-all-…

By controlling the media, they can paint any fricking picture they want for you to consume.
“FAKE NEWS” Getting it yet?

July, 2017 (and earlier too) Pam visits the WHITE WIZARD, @JulianAssange at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he has been trapped on fake rape charges (because he leaked all the corruption in the Afghanistan War)

They prolly do other stuff too, just sayin'
Why, of all men, befriend Julian?
What things do you think she experienced in her Hollywood life among predators like Weinstein?

2011 Muslim Brohood buys PB Mansion
2014 Pam starts visiting JA
JAN- POTUS in office (big reason)
JUL- Visits JA one last time
27 SEP- Hef dies
5 Oct – NYT publishes Weinstein story
Dominoes begin to fall on Hwood
Blackmail is how they keep each other in line, mouths shut.
Some elite prefer Mansion, some rape kids, some Lucifer (Spirit Cooking), some secret societies, some cannibalism. Guess what folks? ITS REAL

Who would have thought Pam Anderson, Hugh Hefner, and Julian Assange would take down Hollywood? I don't know for sure, but its compelling and probable.
Conyers, Flake, Franken, etc.

Think of all the corruption, graft, bribery WE THE PEOPLE wouldn’t know about without him

Why would a branded billionaire businessman, father, hotel chains, etc. risk everything to be POTUS?
HE LOVES AMERICA. We’ve all forgotten what a leader is supposed to do when that is their motivation

Why? They've probably seen the goods and know it will come out.