Rape | sexual assault:
9% male + 91% female
1 in 71 men will be raped.👈😱
40.2% gay men,
47.4% bisexual men +
20.8% heterosexual men
reported sexual violence,
other than rape!
1 in 45 men
been made 2
penetrate intimate partner.😱
among - BOYS👨👦👦
1 in 6 boys
sexually abused
B4 18yrs
(while girls R 1 in 4 🤔)
34% of abusers R family members (b+g).
27.8% boys 10yr-old or younger
at time of 1st rape/victimization.
96% of child sexual abuse
from a male🚹♂️
among - BOYS👨👦👦
76.8% people
who sexually assault children
R adults.
325,000 children
R at risk
of becoming victims
of commercial child sexual exploitation
each yr.
Avg age of boys,
11 - 13yr,
first becoming
victims of prostitution😱
sexual abuse among males
🗒️The general statistic of
1 in 16 men sexually assaulted,
holds true 4 college years.
> 90% of sexual assault victims 👈😱
on college campuses
do NOT report🔥
most under-reported crime;
only 63%.
*Note: Low rate of false reporting overall;
different reports show an approx 3%+/-
who file false reports.
[🗣️psst. That's low.]
Dwnld pamphlet:
report rape and/or sexual abuse?
As a society,
we must recognize barriers men face
when choosing whether
2 speak out about sexual assault.
Regents of Michigan published this
As w women survivors,
when men choose 2 come forward,
it is important male survivors,
be believed + supported by
those around them
+ allowed 2 make their own decisions
about what courses of action 2 take.
#Respect 🙌
Average of >12,000 reported
sexual assaults of men annually,
+ predicts if unreported assaults R included,
actual number is approx 60,000👈😱
A male's age of greatest risk
of sexual assault
is age 4😱
react 2 sexual assault?
Anger, anxiety, fear, confusion,
self-blame, shame, depression
+ even suicidal thoughts
R all common reactions
4 some1 who has experienced
sexual assault.
Men, however,
R more likely than women
2 initially respond w anger,
the importance
or severity of assault.
Male survivors more likely
2 use or abuse alcohol or other drugs 🍸💊
as a means 2 try + cope w experience
+ its after affects.🎭
or may ejaculate during a sexual assault,
+ may later feel confused that
perhaps this means they enjoyed experience😱
Some perps deliberately manipulate victim 2 orgasm,
out of a desire 2 completely control victim😱😱
Due 2 a male's physiological response
of an erection or ejaculation,
Perps can continue manipulation
after assault 2 coerce survivor
away from reporting or seeking help.
💸💸Bet there aren't many
women survivors who had
an orgasm while an assault took place.
prevent male survivors
from speaking out about
sexual assault + sexual abuse?
Because of how men are socialized
+ expected 2 behave in our society,
a male survivor of sexual assault
may feel as if he is not “a real man.”
2 B in control, 💪
therefore survivor + others
may have difficulty accepting
image of a man
who has been victimized.🤔
Stigma | Fallacy 👈
of being abused as a child
leading 2 adult perps <=== NOT TRUE
effecting males in not speaking.
who have experienced
male-on-male rape
2 fear telling their stories👻
Homophobia + gay stereotypes
may affect man’s decision 2 disclose.
Stereotypes on promiscuity of gay men
will often lead 2 victim blaming
from survivor’s support system.
a perpetrator can use
+ perpetuate in order
2 maintain this power⚒️
By denying that males
can B sexually assaulted,
male survivors R made 2 feel
they R alone or abnormal.
I am no scholar nor psychologist.
Just 1 of 6🗣️
Never let it own U.
Own it!
At least 1 in 6 men
have been
sexually abused or assaulted.
Those who come forward R brave.
All survivors have a voice.🗣️
If U R a male survivor
of sexual assault,
seek support.
U R not alone!
Too many cases go unreported.
Sometimes people forget 2 B
compassionate w themselves.
Often times, it's easier 2 show
others then 2 themselves. 🤔
Male sexual assault + abuse is real.
Roman Catholic Archdiocese
Hollywood: Singer + Spacey, et al
@kimmasters TY

#Metoo again.
Can u unroll this information
regarding male sexual abuse
and sexual assault?
The numbers are quite staggering.
There is always support 4 survivors of
all sexual assault.
Speak out.🗣️📢