Is he trying to instigate a reenactment of the Cuban missile crisis? Is he encouraging the politics of escalation?
Yesterday 👇🏾
Let me tell you why.
(long thread)

If it makes sense for Kenya not to lose a single inch, doesn't the same apply to Somalia? If ordinary Kenyans are saying this, it's likely that ordinary Somalis will also be manipulated. Fighting wars for the cartels.

Nevermind the rest of Kenya.
How about the Elemi triangle that is rich in oil?…
Be VERY suspicious of the KE-SOM escalation.
Who stands to benefit? Corrupt officials & crooked int oil companies.

Our fight for energy justice/consumer rights sits right in the middle of this sordid mess. This is why the cartels & GoK will do anything to kill PETs 6 & 59.




Somalia has gone to court.
The GoK should stop panicking and let the ICJ decide.
#SwitchOffKPLC (& all cartels)