There were at least two distinct Cambridge Analytica data harvesting operations. 1 API (Kogan/Chancellor) 1 data scraping (?)
Just ask @AGKarlRacine (from his lawsuit pending decision to unseal these emails)

“Will you publish your Algorithmic Impact Assessments (internal documents) that you just claimed you’ve done internally?”
FB: ~No. <talking point>
Google: ~No. <talking point>
Twitter: ~No. <talking point>
Google: “exaggeration”
FB: “fringe”
@DamianCollins asks where is “Clear History” function? It’s been more than a year? Don’t even have a release date.
@bobzimmermp Facebook sent you to take one for the team but you’re not even in top 100 of leadership in the org chart. Shame on Zuckerberg.