The far right are not allies to indigenous peoples. In fact, the long history of western Canadian indigenous persecution rests on your shoulders.
You and the people you represent are the greatest danger to people like me.
Perhaps Mr. Cooper can enlighten us indigenous people with more readings from the terrorist manifesto.
How many young men and women have been erased from history because of your policies?
How many communities have been destroyed by the systemic hatred you foment among your supporters.
And you’re trying to do it again.
But, the far right are precisely who seek to annihilate us. It’s always been the far right.
I’m from Alberta. I’ve lived among you my entire life.
It is your ideology that supports police dropping indigenous men and women far from home in subzero temperatures to freeze to death.
And it’s your party who stated relatively recently & quite emphatically that indigenous women’s issues weren’t on your radar.
We the people of this nation, indigenous and non-Aboriginal alike, we need to hold you and your ideology accountable.
Your party offers the equivalent of beads in payouts to gain compliance for pipelines.
An entire nation has been abused and brow beat by your ideology and many just looked away when you attack indigenous peoples, thankful it wasn’t them being targeted.
You always have been.
We will not forget.
You who promote these spurious lies are the problem.
That’s who these people are. They target the rights of children.
Endangering children’s lives to maintain dominance.