Yes, I know everyone already knows that Boris lies ...but this is Sir Ivan Rogers saying it in a speech - the former UK Permanent Representative to the EU:
Article 24? ...
Peter Ungphakorn, WTO Secretariat Senior Information Officer until 2015 (18 years service), explains:
"Article 24 was never about failed deals." - A24 is "unusable without a deal."
Essential viewing for all who prefer the facts to fiction:
Sir Ivan Rogers: Where did Brexit come from and where is it going to take us ... via @YouTube
This should be compulsory viewing for all MP's, MEP's and political journalists of the BBC, Sky, ITV, Express, Sun, Mail, Telegraph, Spectator, et al:
‘Leaving on WTO Terms’
"It ⏰ is ⏰time ⏰to ⏰wake ⏰up ⏰from ⏰the ⏰dream ⏰
and face the facts." - How true!
"The 9 lessons of Brexit" - by Sir Ivan Rogers, UK Permanent Representative to the EU (2013-17)
Fully endorsed by Farage, Mogg, Boris & all leading Brexiteers ...
Cambridge Analytica Uncovered: Secret filming reveals election tricks via @YouTube
"What we’re seeing is a country that’s determined to commit economic suicide but can’t even agree on how to kill itself." ...'The United Kingdom Has Gone Mad'