The exposé of just how far (practically-speaking) that the Bashir-NCP deep state has extended after 3 decades, is now beginning to be seen, as...
Sudan will NOW be rebooted as was meant to have been done long ago after its Independence from the British & the Egyptians; but it will not be in the...
@AUC_MoussaFaki @AU_PSD @PMEthiopia @AmbJohnBolton @SecPompeo @AsstSecStateAF @StateDept @USEmbassyKRT @UKinSudan @Jeremy_Hunt @FCOIrfan @EU_SUDAN @NorwayMFA @RepMcGovern
Senator Cory A. Booker
@AUC_MoussaFaki @AU_PSD @PMEthiopia @AmbJohnBolton @SecPompeo @AsstSecStateAF @StateDept @USEmbassyKRT @UKinSudan @Jeremy_Hunt @FCOIrfan