@OutoftheG8TE @steveouttrim @ruseriousrtnw @SaRaAshcraft @DrDannielle @Tiff_FitzHenry @StormIsUponUs @Dbender22 @GeorgiaOrwell3 @VeganMikey @benszemkus @99freemind
Episode was about "Shinies" (spirits of children) vs. "Shadows" (evil spirits trying 2 take over peoples minds). Hmmm..
There were more scenes, but when I attempted to rewind and record, suddenly it was another episode, and then the tv flashed and went off!
This place IS real, and located in Rockland. I simply cannot believe, but I am going to try and visit. When I was growing up, this place had a horrific reputation.👇
30 minutes from NYC...

@bitchinger @andrea26914946 @GarleniaDavis_ @jjsa312 @LO11YF1RE @JoeWalker_WM @StormIsUponUs

There is only one place I have seen anything like this before?!...


@OutoftheG8TE @steveouttrim @ruseriousrtnw @SaRaAshcraft @DrDannielle @Tiff_FitzHenry @StormIsUponUs @Dbender22 @GeorgiaOrwell3 @VeganMikey @benszemkus @99freemind @wearediamonds2 #LetchworthVillage pics.