The WaPo piece authors claim Iranians will support the regime by rallying around the flag.
Of course, they won’t tell you how the Iranian people are protesting the regime’s foreign warmongering:
Chants: "End warmongering, think about us"
And isn’t it interesting how the WaPo piece authors criticize the U.S. policy of calling out the mullahs’ “corruption and human rights violations”?
And they attempt to turn attention away from the mullahs’ atrocities.
A known tactic of #Iran regime apologists/lobbyists.

The WaPo authors are against #Iran’s regime behaving like a normal country.
So, they back Tehran’s
-human rights violations/domestic crackdown
-support for global terrorism
-developing ballistic missiles/suspicious nuclear program
-providing billions to Assad, Hezbollah, & …

The authors shed crocodile tears for Iran’s “middle class.”
What middle class?
The mullahs have destroyed the Iranian economy for the past 40 years & 80% of the people are living in poverty, according to Deutsche Welle Farsi.

And here the WaPo piece authors are saying, “We have no choice but bending our knee to the mullahs regime…”
(Another known tactic of #Iran regime apologists/lobbyists.)

And here’s another thread on Vaez, this time provided a platform by none other than CNN.
Vaez talks about “carrots & sticks” in reference to Obama’s weak appeasement policy with #Iran.
Vaez, being the regime apologist/lobbyist that he is, dreams of a return the Obama era when Tehran lobbyists enjoyed enormous access to the White House.…
Vaez defends #Iran’s policy of wreaking havoc across the Middle East, simply describing it as “protecting proxies & supporting allies in the region.”
Vaez is defending Tehran’s policy of establishing, training, funding & arming of Hezbollah.…
Vaez defends #Iran’s ballistic missile program as “their only viable & reliable deterrence.”
Of course, Vaez won't tell you that Tehran spends billions on weapons programs & terrorism, while the Iranian people are suffering.…
Vaez is known to claim the “maximum pressure campaign has really not produced any tangible results for the Trump admin…”
A reminder for Vaez (and this is only the beginning).…
Thanks for reading.
I hope you found this thread useful.
As always, the conclusion is yours to make.
Have a great weekend!