The jurors—including the flip-flop would-be authors—explained they carefully assessed Gavin's claims, testimony & sheriff's interview.
Ray Hultman was interviewed by Diane Dimond and Eleanor Cook was interviewed by Howard Stern. The questions asked of each were loaded & critical of the verdict.
"We sat for at least half a day to identify [all] the lies that the accuser had told on witness stand."
He explained their primary concern was "the lies of the young boy, he's the accuser," not his mother.
Adding to that, Ray noted how the kids wanted to be actors and have seen attorneys before (JCP), etc.
COOK: "They [state] would just get so far and then it'd backfire on them."
Q: So ALL the witnesses just blew up?
COOK: That's exactly how I viewed it.
"But we looked at the EVIDENCE. We had the EVIDENCE at our disposal. We viewed the EVIDENCE & had to go w/ the EVIDENCE." #MJInnocent
"We tried to be democratic about it and allow each other to speak. We didn't make any enemies in there, it was a cooperative effort."
The verdict was the culmination of it all.
"They all had their right to stand their ground and stand up for what they believed in."
#MJInnocent #IKnewLeavingNeverlandWasBS