1/x Israel - our ally & longtime friend - was involved in the 2016 election interference, an act of war against the United States.
"Even if the Capitol crumbles."
H/t @historygirlMA

supports another country - one that participated if not instigated the Russian election attack in 2016 - at the expense of OUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES.
The only reason to avoid these is to hide information.
Cc: @SethAbramson, @Will_Bunch, @jennycohn1, @benFranklin2018

Facebook users' awareness lags Twitter considerably, so this is a "holy s***!" kind of post.
@NitaLowey, Appropriations.
@RepJerryNadler, Judiciary.
@RepAdamSchiff, Intelligence.
@RepEliotEngel, Foreign Affairs.
@RepTedDeutch, Ethics & Chair of the Subcommittee on the Middle East.
@RepJohnYarmuth, Budget Committee

Religion can be a wonderful thing, but when used in and for power, it can kill nations.
"Two billionaires–one aligned with the Democratic Party, one aligned with the Republican Party...both agree that the US must be closely aligned with Israel and feel President Obama has not done enough."

"Zionists of all sorts, including of the liberal kind, have collaborated with anti-Semitic forces towards a mutual goal of global apartheid, often at the expense of Jews who live outside Israel."

Hagee is the pastor often connected to Pence and Trump. Sources next tweet.
"'Israel is the single greatest strength America has in the Middle East, ' Biden has said. Israel is a 'security necessity' for the U.S."
(Source: reddit.com/r/SandersForPr…)

*Disclosure: I'm a Warren supporter and have donated to her campaign. Harris has been my second choice, but is slipping. No third choice.
💭 Note the POV & propensity to accuse those not aligned with Israel anti-Semites. That's not working for folks nearly as well now, like the GOP's histrionics aren't so much anymore.


"With Democrats embroiled in a wrenching internal debate over anti-Semitism and support for Israel, Republicans are moving to capitalize with an aggressive campaign painting Trump...as a fierce and unapologetic defender of the Jewish state."
Anyway, planning, printing, invitations, etc. for this event would have been in the works at least a month prior, so perhaps Democrats caught wind of it and that could explain #WhatHappenedInMarch.
💭 And Democrats don't think live impeachment hearings would lower it further? Plus it's the right thing to do.
"Kushner, the administration’s point person on the Middle East, has been in touch with Haim Saban, a pro-Israel megadonor who in 2016 gave more than $6 million to a super PAC backing Hillary Clinton for president."
💭 Same threat in above tweet.
H/t @Pornastro
Hopefully the info will prove helpful to a journalist or investigator. ✌