The last being the inevitable future if nothing changes.
"Are these the things
The great question that is being propounded daily in so many ways, re so many topics.
The answer the same as it was then.
If nothing changes it is determined:It "must be".
And if there is change, then only "might have been".
I suspect it is pretty much at the time when one is confronted w the '3rd Ghost'.
Turn away.
Or Turn toward.
Ones moment at such climatic times, whether the individual, group, party...any to
"Go Fearward".
Take the "easy alternative" & the fears, & the shadow, take over.
Once the question has been asked, and answered, the tipping point has occurred, the system is rearranged, & the 'game' is in a new phase.
You'll not get back there again until it is over.
The old systems have been destroyed by the unmet forces...
These are patterns that have played out on the big stage of the world. Russia 1917, China 1947+, Isreal&Palistine are some of the obvious ones.
But it goes deeper than
It is happening every time a new ugly apartment building is put up in Seattle. People having no context for what was, and what architectural form/beauty is.
Like our economy, the driving principle is "efficiency" very narrowly defined.
Reminds, to close, of the great book
Small is Beautiful. Economics as if People mattered.
But... we may have tipped beyond that exhortation.…