, 5 tweets, 1 min read Read on Twitter
Just like a narcissist, Republicans have presented an idealized self that doesn’t actually exist.

They don’t actually believe that “all men are created equal” or “liberty and justice for all” or “give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,”
Loyalty to a flag and an anthem that puts objects ahead of actual people is a toxic, faux patriotism. What kind of people worry about disrespecting a symbol more than worrying about actual people who are victimized daily, having their rights violated because of their skin color?
What kind of toxic pathology puts a 228 year old Amendment ahead of actual lives? Gun rights ahead of human rights and human lives? Ahead of children’s lives?! Toxic sociopathic and narcissistic spectrum attitudes.
Nothing about Republican attitudes, policies or behavior support American ideals. Republicans don’t actually believe American ideals or in living them, but they sound good. Great cover for exploitive racist people who think the US should be white, Christian, straight & Republican
The “move back” rhetoric is about as anti-American as one could conceive but it’s fully representative of the “it’s my way or the highway”, never wrong, empathy deficient, exploitive of the rights of others, pathological Republican narcissism.
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