Recently confirmed, Kinsella is raising May’s personal brand recognition & popularity.
May has a recent WAPO & David Moscrop interview.
May can not be elected by Americans. So why publish in WAPO?
Is Kinsella juxtaposing May with AOC to cash in on AOC’s popularity? I’d say that’s a reasonable possibility. AOC was the first to present the Green New Deal publicly.
Elizabeth May hired Kinsella to help run her campaign.
His motives are clear. He’s positioning May to siphon off enough votes from Liberals, to help deliver a CPC win.
We don’t have a photo of her dining with Putin, but we don’t need one to recognize her willingness.
Sanders is the independent Senator who ran in the Democratic Presidential candidacy race against Hillary Clinton.
Kumbaya, we will all live in peace & harmony. A utopian fantasy.
Cons have very limited imagination, so while the approach has been adapted for Canadian politics, this is THE VERY SAME strategy used in US 2016 Presidential election.
Thus, all the effort to sell the idea that Greens do politics differently.
Progressives bicker, but we all ultimately support the same policies. Or do we?
May increased use of negative Populist strategies around start of SNC scandal; amplifying desired narratives (i.e. No pipeline, GPC are moral politicians, May “believes” JWR before all evidence was available).
Sure Scheer, Raitt, Remple, & Poilievre all aggressively attacked Trudeau.
But May chastised Trudeau like a virtuous schoolmarm; affronted & derisive.
That’s got Kinsella’s fingerprints all over it. He also did the same for JWR & JP.
Not that everyone aware of events didn’t suspect this all along, but this may be the very reason Mr. Kinsella was so upset that his wife was photographed and recognized by Patty. ☘️
A quick look at the PR work Daisy Group does seems eerily close to a managed narrative (AKA PR or issues management).

So who is paying Kinsella? And how long have they been paying him?
May confirmed his assistance, has anyone asked how long he’s already been employed?
That sounds like a narrative that was created on the fly.
Imagine her taking on Jason Kenney or Doug Ford and their belligerent bravado as they obstruct every climate action she’s proposed.
She is not an effective nor a strong leader.