Part 15: How to Avoid a Relationship with Coercive Control
Abusers look for certain qualities in a future victim.
Know the signs to protect yourself from manipulation.
#coercivecontrol #coercionandcontrol

Do you have a need to please others and a need for their approval.
Do you put the needs of others before yours?
Do you do what other people want or expect of you?
If so, all of these qualities will make you more attractive to abusers.
Do you need the approval of others?
Do you have a fear of rejection?
Do you worry that, if you don’t comply, you will be abandoned?
Abusers know that they can give you what you want, then instil fear by threatening to take it away.
If an abuser knows you have a fear of abandonment, that is the ultimate control.
But abusers can also claim that they have a fear of being abandoned so that you remain close to them, thereby you end up isolating yourself from others.
If you hate confrontation and will do anything to avoid conflict, an abuser will quickly know that raising their voice is enough to control you. Even the fear of conflict happening is enough to control.
Do you equate saying “no” with being selfish?
Do you hate letting other people down?
If so, an abuser will find it easy to manipulate and exploit your willingness to do things for other people.
Do you know who you are?
If you have no sense of who you are outside of what you do for others, an abuser will erode your sense of identity even further by making your existence all about them.
Do you trust your own judgement or do you rely on others?
If you are indecisive and constantly ask others for their advice and opinions, it makes you an easy target for an abuser to manipulate.
Do you believe that good exam results are a result of hard work or luck?
Self-efficacy is an individual's belief in their innate ability to achieve goals.
Do you believe you are capable of achieving things?
Do you believe you can make things happen?
Do you like the * bad boys* and * bad girls*?
Do you find them exciting?
Do you think breaking the law is thrilling?
Are you fascinated by serial killers and violence?
Have you grown up around violence or criminality?
Do you believe love conquers all?
Do you believe that you can have enough love for both?
Do you believe that your love is strong enough to change the qualities they lack?
Abusers will manipulate your love.
Do you describe yourself as a believer in true love?
Are you seeking your Prince Charming to rescue you?
Do you mention your loneliness since your divorce?
Abusers look to see who will fall in live quickly and who doesn’t like to be single.