Conservatives have found a way around Media ad restrictions and regulations.
Robotext, email and political apps.
Watch the videos.
In a twitter response to the Buroker video revealing US use of this method, he postulated this:
It’s conjecture, but I suspect it’s also how provincial elections turned so many provinces blue.
Meaning, church data mining isn’t enough to swing a Canadian Federal election.
What have Conservatives been doing the last couple months? Moving to robotext, email & app based ads.
Western Canada alienation
Foreign relations
Adherence to Law
Climate change
On reserve water crises
Religious Freedom
Rising cost of living (Housing purchase, poverty levels)
Electoral reform
Tax levels
Deficits & Debt
But look what’s found on their website. This:
The integrity/morality focus of all 3 parties comes into focus.

Interesting concept. Seems all 3 opposition parties are doing politics “differently.”
A sophisticated micro targeting strategy, that uses Marketing strategies called “funnelling” to literally change voters minds about political parties & moral authority to govern.
It could very well deliver the Cons an electoral victory. As well as increase the electoral support for NDP & GPC.
Voters can also be forwarded to the proliferation of fake news sites. Propaganda machines.
CPC intends to win, and has recruited NDP and GPC to assist them to do it.