Me : Gosh. I've been trying to avoid the whole Feral Hogs thing. Thanks for that.
Me : Ideally you should be outsourcing those "town planning" activities. But if you can't because there is no provider, then you have to act as the provider and ideally a public provider yourself. A single, larger team is ok ...
Me : Gosh. Yes, keep it small. Break into components. If you really need a rule ... then I would start with no more than 20 people in an area i.e. 5 teams of 4 (pioneering space), 2 teams of 10 (settler space), 1 team of 20 (town planning space).
Me : Ideally, I'd aim to get a wider ecosystem to do that for me. If I can't then I'd certainly experiment with several very small teams on the assumption that most would fail but we could learn lessons.
Me : Duplication without intent is. The whole point of the pioneer-settler-town planner structure is to replicate evolution (caused by competition) within an organisation. Unless you have a crystal ball, you have to experiment in pioneer space.
Me : What's your solution?
X : Build the right thing with the right people.
Me : Easy words. First, recognise you need different attitudes (i.e. there is no "right for all contexts" person). Second, recognise the uncharted pioneering space is uncharted.