So Autism Speaks has this thing called the "100 Day Kit".
Want to know what's in it? Here are some excerpts.
"Autism statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released in March 2014 identify around 1 in 68 American children as on the autism spectrum – a ten-fold increase in prevalence in 40 years. ....
"Many people with autism have similar difficulty seeing things from another person’s perspective. Most five-year-olds understand that other people have different thoughts, feelings and goals than they have. A person with autism may lack such understanding."
As if the child has DIED.
I shit you not.
“I felt angry when a child at my son’s school was diagnosed with Leukemia around the time our son was diagnosed with autism. Everyone sent cards and cooked dinners for them......."
One other thing.....the "five stages of grief" concept has long been discredited in any context.
It even describes SCERTS as developed from ABA.....but it wasn't. And it also references Relationship Development Intervention (RDI) and TEACCH.
"We do know that many children get better with intensive behavioral therapy."
Why yes indeed.....on page 53, the GFCF diet.
And it says......
--Utilize motivating items (i.e. bubbles, juice, trains) to address requesting/communication
--Swing: wait to push until child makes the request
--Door: wait to open until child makes a request
--Lunch/Snack: withhold until child makes request
"Try to direct your anger towards the disorder and not towards your loved ones........"
And this was recommended by family therapist Kathryn Smerling.
On page 27......
"Autism doesn’t affect only one child. It affects the entire family."
"It is important to remember that your child is the same unique, lovable, wonderful person he or she was before the diagnosis."
I dare you to read that and not fall off your chair laughing!
Do you STILL want to support this org? Or its Canadian counterpart?