a) what is a LR?
b) how many sources?
c) how do I read/annotate/synthesize
d) what do you expect me to write (headings, sub headings, topics to cover)
e) when is a LR finished?
All of these have idiosincratic responses
Because only YOU know exactly how you want the LR done, particularly if it is a work package (e.g. you have an RA doing a lit review).
Same with the doctoral dissertation, or with any thesis.
</end thread>
a) how do conflicts emerge?
b) how different are the factors that drive water conflict and mining conflict?
c) when are conflicts DUE to water and when are they COLLATERAL to water?
d) Empirical cases.
a) Key authors
b) Suggestions of keywords to search in databases
c) Links to my blog posts on how to do each step of the process
d) Sample questions/themes to expand on.