Aug 10th 2019, 26 tweets, 23 min read Read on Twitter
Welcome to today's session of #HRwithEM, a weekly #TwitterSession #TweetChat to connect, learn and share career development tips, employee experience practices, as well as resolve burning #HR issues and/or questions.
Thank you for joining us this evening. Please identify yourself and the location you are joining from, so we can acknowledge you properly. #HRwithEM
Feel free to tweet your question(s) at me with the hashtag #HRwithEM as the session is going on, and I would respond to all at the end of the session.
Also, don’t forget to RETWEET all tweets for the benefit of your friends in order to extend this #KnowledgeSharingSession. #HRwithEM
Today's #TwitterSession would focus on the learning points from the encounter with @GbengaTotoyi last weekend on the topic "Developing Performance Management and Organisational Development Capabilities" as aptly captured by @Ebun19064416 #HRwithEM
Today’s business environment is fraught with cut-throat competition, challenges of the external environment, and the ever-increasing pressure to thrive and deliver value to shareholders. #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
The ultimate goal of Organizational Development efforts is to bring about planned changes in the organization for the purpose of increasing organizational effectiveness. #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
For organizations to be more effective, Performance Management must be top notch. There are two layers of performance management: Business performance, and Individual performance. #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
Performance management begins with clarity on what the business seeks to achieve. In other words, where is the organization headed? how does it intend to achieve its aims and objectives (strategy)? #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
Tied to this should be a strong performance culture. A strong performance culture is the bedrock to a successful performance management system. #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
KPIs serve as critical indicators and measurable values that demonstrates how effectively an organization is achieving it's business objectives. It is therefore important that the KPIs indeed reflect how well the objectives set are being achieved. #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
mentions took us through an exercise with the aim of ensuring as HR professionals we are armed with the skills to develop KPIs in our respective organizations. #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
There should be a Performance Management Framework in place. The performance management framework helps build an alignment between strategy and operations, therefore creating a smooth path to performance execution. #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
It helps establish the standards on performance management within an organization. #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
Performance Management is a process not an event!! Regular check-in’s, conversations, after action reviews, effective feedback mechanisms etc, are key ingredients in performance management. #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
Focus on the entire process and not just appraisals alone! #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
Goals should be properly cascaded to ensure clarity and every individual in an organization must understand how he or she is contributing to the bottom line. Each business activity must have a direct linkage to the bottom line. #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
Financial Performance alone hasn’t stood the test of business performance over the years. Other elements such as learning and growth, internal processes, customer perspective etc, have been able to provide a more balanced view. #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
In recent times, we also begin to see measures such as sustainability, CSR etc.

As business realities change, so does the business strategy and KPIs change. Agility, therefore becomes a very necessary reality for businesses to embrace. #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
There is no one size fits all in performance management. Given the involvement of people in driving this process, there will always be elements of subjectivity and bias. As HR professionals we must be well equipped to tackle these realities. #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
In conclusion, Performance Management must be owned by the business leaders with HR being the navigator. #PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
We have come to the end of today's #HRwithEM #TwitterSession.

I look forward to having you again next week, same day, same time!

Thank you for contributing in making this #TwitterSession a success.

#PMS #OD #HR #HRwithEM
Keep sending your burning #HR question(s) to, and join me every Saturday at 4pm WAT | 4pm UTC+1 to learn how I would handle such a situation.

Have a beautiful weekend!

#PMS #OD #HRwithEM
For career tips and my thoughts on career development and current people management issues, please check out my latest blogpost on

#EmployeeExperience #careeradvice #TweetChat #HRwithEM #SaturdayMotivation
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