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May 28th 2023
🚨URGENTE | DAMARES NA CADEIA JÁ: Titular da CPMI do 8 de janeiro, a senadora #Damares Alves (Republicanos-DF) tem prometido atuar para proteger os policiais militares (#PMs) do Distrito Federal na comissão.

A interlocutores, Damares diz temer que parlamentares governistas ten- Image
ntem colocar os PMs entre os principais culpados pelas invasões golpistas aos prédios dos Três Poderes. Para proteger os policiais, a estratégia da senadora será convidar especialistas em manobras táticas de segurança para mostrar como se movimentaram os policiais milita-
res em dias de invasões. Além disso, Damares já protocolou um requerimento pedindo para especialistas ou empresas de inteligência artificial auxiliem na interpretação das imagens das câmeras de segurança do 8 de janeiro. A senadora avalia que os especialistas podem aju-
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Jan 20th 2023
A woman with severe depression and various symptoms, including suicidal thoughts, #PMS, #panicattacks, #chronicpain, and poor #sleep quality switched to a carnivore diet. (1/5)
She experienced significant improvement in her symptoms and overall mood after switching on #carnivore after just seven weeks. (2/5)
She reported weight loss, improved sleep, better concentration, and no dip in mood during her cycle. She states that the diet is 100 times better than any medication she has ever taken. (3/5) #brainhealthmatters #carniovore #metabolicpsychiatry #nutritional psychiatry
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Aug 15th 2022
Und warum seid ihr noch wach?

Ich habe gerade - vermutlich - Nervenschmerzen (fies eingeklemmt am 04.11.2021) und während mein Gemüt vorhin schon am Tiefpunkt war, sinkt es gerade noch tiefer.

Corona Durchseuchung

bin erschöpft ... so richtig down
Heute ist einer dieser Tage, wo man die 'Ziele' verloren hat. Die kleinen Zwischenschritte. Die Etappen. Ich erkenne sie heute einfach nicht.

Liegt vermutlich daran, dass man nicht 'wirklich' voran kommt und 'Resultate' erzielt (natürlich, durch Gespräche mit anderen Eltern usw)
Aber all das ist FUTSCH... WEG ... Ich will keine Schmerzen, ich will keine Kinderdurchseuchung, ich will das dieser verf*ckte Krieg aufhört (die armen Kinder auf der Flucht! Vor ca 2-3 Monaten waren es 4,5 Mio Kinder! Wieviele sind es heute? *rhetorisch*)... Ich will nicht jeden
Read 7 tweets
Aug 6th 2022
”She's moody, probably because she's a teenage girl, but could it be the #BirthControl?”
"She's acting so hormonal."
"Her moods are crazy, she's PMSing all the time."
Moods have nothing to do with #gender and sex hormones! These #stereotypes only perpetuate #bias. 🧵 #MedTwitter
Let's start with #hormones. Hormones are chemicals released by certain organs that carry messages to other organs. Everyone has hormones. Changes in hormone levels can affect our moods but having hormones does not make someone moody.
The reproductive (and other) organs produce the sex hormones (#progesterone, #estrogen, and #testosterone) in all people, just in different quantities. These levels can vary throughout the day and over time.
Read 13 tweets
Apr 19th 2022
A #PMS must show performance. No escaping it. But,the crucial questions for an investor to choose a PMS must be more nuanced. What fee do I pay in bad times? Do i pay more fees in good times? Is the product going to do anything special for me if i wish to be more ambitious? 1/7
A #PMS which mechanically invests money into its model portfolio just like a mutual fund usually does can only offer you a mediocre experience.

Investing is commoditized and mechanized. Some dealer is blindly filling up stocks like a petrol pump attendant fills your car tank.2/7
Your whole purpose of choosing a #PMS over a mutual fund scheme is to make your money work smarter & to get a more personalised process. Afterall, a more ambitious investor needs a superior investment approach to meet his specific needs. You can't have a "carbon copy" PF. 3/7
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Mar 15th 2021

Join the conversation as #theAnalystSpeaks on What #Nigerians need to know about the cost of petroleum products.

kindly click on the link to be a part of the conversation.

You can send in your questions by using the hashtag #theAnalystSpeaks #AskProshare
"An increase in the price of #PMS would result to increase in the cost of conveying goods" - @TeslimBey
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Sep 8th 2020
#ValueShastra - first Value based Solution in #PMS Industry - Piercing Chakravyuha of Equity Investing.

Bonding #Process of selecting 12 Equi-weighted Mega Cap stocks (Emkay's 12) with Value Investing of #MisterBond


Main Features:
Current liquidity will chase quality large cap stocks. A trend of past few years both globally as well in India.

Emkay's 12 is most ideally suited product under current market conditions.

12 Equi-weighted stocks with no Allocation and Selection bias of Fund Managers
On top of that, created under Smart Solutions of #MisterBond. Right allocation to Equity at Right Valuations with in built profit booking/Exit strategy.

Ensuring we do not create Abhimanyus getting stuck in Equity Chakravyuha.
Read 5 tweets
Jun 30th 2020
𝐍𝐞𝐰 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐈𝐝𝐞𝐚 - #𝐌𝐎𝐅𝐒𝐋

Market Cap-8,610

CMP- 580

𝐖𝐡𝐲 𝐁𝐮𝐲 𝐚𝐭 𝐂𝐌𝐏 𝐢𝐞 𝟓𝟖𝟎

𝐊𝐞𝐲 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐒𝐞𝐠𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬

𝟏.𝐀𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐭 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭

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Apr 4th 2020
warning: Long thread @Prashanth_Krish @dmuthuk
(applicable for long only style)

Occam’s razor, immutable laws, investments
Occam’s razor is a problem-solving principle (a guide / heuristic device) attributed to William of Ockham (c1287-1347). #pms #investing @Krishna49653296
The principle states that “Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily”. Over time it has been used by scientists, logicians and thinkers to choose between competing answers to a problem and has taken more understandable and unrelated forms like:
-if you have 2 explanations the 1 that requires the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct
-start with the simplest solution, and as you get more data, move to the next simplest
-the more assumptions you make the likelier you are wrong
-and my favorite “keep it simple”
Read 16 tweets
Feb 13th 2020
Guidelines for #PMS:
1) no upfront fees shall be charged (directly/indirectly)
2) Brokerage at actuals shall be charged
3) Operating exp shall not exceed 0.5% p.a. of avg daily AUM (excl brokerage & mgnt fees)
4) Exit load not more than
3% yr 1
2% yr 2
1% yr 3
NIL, yr 3+
*Direct option in PMS*
1) a direct option to clients without intermediation of distributors
2) prominent disclosure of direct option in its Disclosure Documents, marketing material and on its website
3) no charges except statutory charges shall be levied from direct client
*Investment Approach (IA)*
1) info about IA(s) offered shall be uniform across all types of regulatory/client reporting, discl docx mrkt material
2) IA details
typ of sec
basis of selctn
allocation of sec
appr. benchmark and basis of choice
indicative tenure
risk of IA
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Oct 25th 2019
Thread on #GeneralElection + the business of #Parliament. Last night @HouseofCommons passed the #QueensSpeech 310 v 294 + earlier this week we had a x party majority (329v299) in favour of 2nd reading of the new Brexit bill 1/
That we need a #GeneralElection is not, in reality, disputed by any MP. But decision is not in the #PMs power. If #Parliament does not agree an election under Fixed Term Parliament Act (needs 2/3 of all MPs actually to vote for this) then no election possible 2/
Hence why #Labour votes decide if a general election happens. The PM proposal is that if the offered 3 days of Brexit debate is not enough (rejected by oppo this week) then @HouseofCommons would have all available days until November 6 (including weekends /late sittings etc) 3/
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Sep 1st 2019
Good morning! 😀End of August --> Time to look at some Monthly charts. What does the latest Monthly candles suggest for the road ahead for global economy? Stay tuned for #HZupdates
Yesterday, I posted this chart for #EURUSD. This is very central, as it provides indication for direction of USD. Major topping pattern - backtest in early 2018 - now targeting <0.9. Notice August candle! Zoom-in chart 2. It seems to be very Bearish #HZupdates
Turning towards Monthly chart for #DXY, we got corresponding candle to what we observed in #EURUSD. Bullish which set #DXY on the path towards min. 111, pot. as high as 120. Trend line suggest we could get there by Q1/Q2 2020. USD strength will create global challenges #HZupdates
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Aug 10th 2019
Welcome to today's session of #HRwithEM, a weekly #TwitterSession #TweetChat to connect, learn and share career development tips, employee experience practices, as well as resolve burning #HR issues and/or questions.
Thank you for joining us this evening. Please identify yourself and the location you are joining from, so we can acknowledge you properly. #HRwithEM
Feel free to tweet your question(s) at me with the hashtag #HRwithEM as the session is going on, and I would respond to all at the end of the session.
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Aug 10th 2019
Hope you enjoy the weekend! 😀Deflation unfolding in economy. Stay tuned for my view on market and coming macro developments #HZupdates
Short term we may see a bounce in #AUDUSD, as wave 2 develops - which sets us up for strong wave 3 down #HZupdates
#OIL develops in Ending Diagonal, which sets a target <20USD before LT-bottom. Again - we could pot. see that LT-bottom in around early Spring 2020. The period from now - until then is the #DEFLATIONARY phase of the crisis. This is where liquidity (USD) is scarce #HZupdates
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Jul 30th 2019
@SimonoffBob @Hawknest24 Hey! Check this out 👉 This paper proposes mechanisms by which #PMS may be part of a broader set of #infectious illnesses that are exacerbated by cyclic changes in immunosuppression, which are induced by cyclic changes in estrogen and progesterone:… Image
@SimonoffBob @Hawknest24 Our own team’s work has focused greatly on how nuclear receptors that control #hormone expression (like alpha-thyroid, VDR etc) also express key genes associated with the human immune response + innate immunity towards infection:… ImageImage
@SimonoffBob @Hawknest24 Here we show that VDR receptor expression changes during the #menstrual cycle - especially in the cycling endometrium 👉 That, in turn, alters how innate immune peptides under VDR control allow a woman’s body to manage infection/microbiome dysbiosis:…
Read 6 tweets

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