- The US has systematically failed to fulfill its promises to Native Americans
- Tribal nations were robbed of their land
- Native languages, religions, and cultures were suppressed
- Native communities are still some of the most underserved and oppressed
- Pass a Honoring Promises to Native Nations Act to address huge unmet needs in Indian County
- Ensure programs important to tribal nations have predictable, guaranteed funding by removing them from the Congressional appropriations process
- A Permanent White House Council on Native American Affairs
- A New White House Budgetary Office of Tribal Affairs
- Agency Positions focused on Indigenous issues
- Better consultation with tribal nations
- Enhance Self-Governance/Determination
- Increase funding for roads, electricity, internet, water, and sanitation projects in Indian County
- Provide funding for grants, programs, and businesses in Indian County
- Expand funding for programs to allow tribal governments to buy back stolen land
- Guarantee funding for tribal governments to support housing projects
- Increase Indian Housing Block Grant to $2.5 billion to build/ rehabilitate 200,000 homes
- Permit tribes to administer their own Section 8 housing vouchers
- #Medicare4All
- Fully fund the Indian Health Service to recruit and retain doctors, repair facilities, and provide quality care
- Expand training and loan repayment programs for rural/IHS health professionals
- Fully fund programs to address health provider shortages, expand disease prevention efforts, and expand facilities
- Expand remote and in-person mental health services
- Dedicate $800 million to tribal governments to fight the opioid crisis
- Pass the Native American Suicide Prevention Act
- Pass American Indian and Alaska Native Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act
- Universal Child Care
- Free public college
- Invest $50 billion in HBCUs/MSIs and Tribal Colleges and Universities
- Fully fund Bureau of Indian Education Schools
- Support Native language revitalization and immersion
- Promote inclusive curriculums in every state
- Ensure Native Nations have full criminal jurisdiction
- Fully fund public safety and justice needs
- Establishing a nationwide Missing Indigenous Women Alert System
- Establish a DOJ Task Force to investigate the epidemic of sexual assaults and murders of Native women
- Protect federal land important to tribes
- Stop companies from stealing tribal resources
- Revoke Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline permits
- Incorporate traditional ecological knowledge into management of public lands
- Implement co-management of important lands between tribes and the government
- Pass a Sacred Lands Religious Freedom Restoration Act to allow tribes to stop projects which would develop, extract, or negatively impact Tribal lands
- Federal holiday for Election Day
- Expand early voting, vote-by-mail, and automatic registration
- Pass Native American Voting Rights Act