This week marks 20 years since NATO bombed the hell out of Yugoslavia, and the first time NATO used military force without United Nations approval.
But it wouldn't be the last...
📎📷🎥 La agresión de la #OTAN contra #Yugoslavia: Un crimen imposible de olvidar
El horror que encierran esos dos minutos te hiela la sangre, te apuñala la garganta. El dolor. La desesperación. Y a la vez la entereza de esas mujeres. No van a alcanzar los siglos para honrar su lucha.
1ª parte que faltaba. Reclaman, entre otras cosas, por los bebés apropiados: "Sabemos que los chicos nacen...pero no podemos encontrarnos con ellos".Toda la perversidad de uno de los regímenes más crueles de la historia de la humanidad.
30.000 compañeros desaparecidos
Ahora y siempre
Si en Alemania negás el genocidio te meten preso. Si en Argentina negás el genocidio te llaman para ir a la televisión.
#Argentina | "Our mothers & grandmothers defy the laws of physics ...they have been walking in circles for more than 40 years & they are still moving forward."
#43AñosDelGolpe #24DeMarzo

#OnThisDay | 20 years ago #NATO and the #UnitedStates bombed #Yugoslavia for 78 days.
#FromTheSouth | This week marked the anniversary of the US-NATO invasion of Iraq.
@camilateleSUR spoke with Iraq war vet @MikePrysner who told us that today there are about 9,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, so the occupation never ended.
#FromTheSouth | "No one should think for a second that the U.S. isn't capable of doing in Venezuela, what they did in Iraq." —@MikePrysner
"You saw the entire media establishment close in around the aims of the pentagon & keeping out of the mainstream discourse, any legitimate anti-war voices from the discussion. The same exact thing is happening with 🇻🇪."
Mike Prysner on the Iraq War: "..if I could reach myself as a young man, on March 20th 2003, I would have told myself, don't get on that plane, cuz you're going to spend the rest of your life regretting it." @EyesLeftPod
Mar 20
Today is the 16th anniversary of the start of the U.S. war in #Iraq. Countless people have died and millions have been displaced. The tragic consequences of this terrible and immoral decision will be felt for generations. 1/9

Mar 20
As the Bush administration hurled this country towards war, millions of people took to streets around the world in opposition. But the potent forces of anger, corruption,& avarice were unstoppable and an almost unimaginable catastrophe was released. 2/9

Mar 20
We all know what came next. Civilian deaths, torture, skyrocketing veteran suicide rates, the loss of our standing in the world & trillions of dollars in debt passed to future generations. No good came from the🇮🇶war. 3/9
Mar 20
Since the🇮🇶 invasion,the🇺🇸has spread the“war on terror’to dozens of nations without any explicit permission from Congress.Our planes,troops & bombs crisscross the globe bringing misery & fear to people who have done us no harm. 4/9…
Mar 20
One of those places is🇾🇪. 15.9 million people face the risk of famine & 85,000 children have died from disease & starvation. Yet, we assist the🇸🇦& the🇦🇪in bombing & displacing🇾🇪even though these are almost certainly war crimes. 5/9…
Mar 20
It is the stark illustration of everything that is wrong with American foreign policy. 6/9
Mar 20
But there is hope. The movement that tried and failed to stop the invasion of Iraq has grown and learned. A new generation has joined the fight to end militarism and stop endless war. 7/9
Mar 20
We have won historic votes in the House and Senate rejecting the brutal war in Yemen and we will keep pushing until our involvement in this war comes to an end. 8/9…
So as we look back today at what happened in🇮🇶& how we got there, we must continue to build power so that OurNation NeverMakes such a DisastrousMistakeAgain.OurLoveToday to all of those who have suffered &our GratitudeTo all of you who are working for peace. 9/9
This year 🇬🇧's poppy appeal claims to be paying homage to Indian soldiers who died fighting for🇬🇧. The Rawalpindi experiments saw the Brits send hundreds of Indian soldiers into gas chambers to test mustard gas on them. That's what🇬🇧thought of 🇮🇳soldiers.
All the indian soldiers who protected the rear end when Dunkirk was being evacuated(fleeing) 40K+ were all left to the mercy of Nazi soldiers and majority died or worked in tungsten mines as slaves
A relative was part of the Rear Guard a White British officer captured & spent the war in prisons including Colditz. Dunkirk wasn't a victory it was a mess caused by lack of planning & unfounded optimism, like we see now from Brexiters.…
The unsung heroes were the Indian mule battalions, without them the rear guard would have collapsed and the "cowards fleeing" would have been a massacre, did you hear or see it in the movie "Dunkirk".

This posthumous medal was won by mule minefield brigade soldier Jemadar Maula Dad Khan for bravery at Dunkirk. 14500+ Indian soldiers were killed by Nazis--while securing the perimeter of Dunkirk along with the French.

#Argentina | Like every year, thousands of Argentines marched towards the #PlazadeMayo, a symbol of so many #struggles and days of #resistance, on the National Memorial Day for Truth and Justice.
InPictures|& in #Argentina, the“mad women”of the #PlazaDeMayo will be seen as exemplars of sanity,because they refused to forget in a time of compulsory amnesia- #EduardoGaleano
Photo Credits: @Nhnorberto
#Son30000 #24DeMarzo
#MeSumoALasAbuelas #24MPorLaMemoria

#Afghanistan | According to the #UN, ten children were killed by a #US #airstrike, along with three adult civilians.
#FromTheSouth News Bits | In #Argentina large demonstrations on Sunday marked the anniversary of the U-S backed military coup, during which about 30,000 people were disappeared.
'I saw more than one cruise missile that night and a number of fighter bombers as well. I’ve not experienced anything of that magnitude before'
بھارت میں مذہبی اقلیتوں کی جان، مال اور آبرو محفوظ ہے نہ ان کی عبادت گاہیں۔ گاندھی کی قاتل اور خونِ مسلم کی پیاسی ہندو فاشسٹ تنظیم آر ایس ایس نے پہلے مسجد کو منہدم کیا، پھر پولیس کی مدد سے باریش نمازیوں پر جسمانی تشدد کی انتہا کر دی😢
4 min4 minutos atrás
📹The footage shows the gradual destruction of #Raqqa city committed by the #US-led #coalition airstrikes
50 members of the European Parliament have written to India about past & present human rights violations in Kashmir.
They have sought a ban on pellet shotguns & an urgent repeal of the draconian Armed Forces Special Powers Act.

The American flag should be banned since it stands for several times more death, genocide and destruction than both the flag of ISIS and the flag of Nazi Germany combined.
If there is a country that has committed unspeakable atrocities in the world, it is the United States of #America. They don't care for human beings." - Nelson Mandela #Syria #Trump #Tulsi2020…
By @arktinentuuli
Most Americans would be amazed to learn that U.S. Special Operations Forces have been deployed to three quarters of the nations on the planet
Military Times

A🇺🇸corporation solicited the🇺🇸Govt to overthrow a populist president & the Eisenhower administration with the help of @StateDept & CIA,which happened to be led by the Dulles brothers,who had strong ties to the company
Jacobo Arbenz was forced to resign in the MidstOfArmed intervention. Result+200,000people deaths
His reforms to redistribute unused land to poor peasants had fallen afoul of the UnitedFruitCompany,which owned & warehoused vast tracts of🇬🇹land
The problem is that these same representatives of political establishments haven’t shown similar concern, if any at all, for the real victims of the ISIS terrorists; they appear to have been completely forgotten.
♂️haven’t IDEA RE:♀️VICTIMS
"US military raped 53 Colombian minors between 2003 and 2007, according to the Historical Commission of the peace process.
They also recorded the rapes"
Too much Freedom from USA!… …

In🇨🇱,our government discovered🇺🇸soldiers with 15-year-old girls, in🇨🇴they recorded themselves while raping a minor girl, in other countries abroad they do the same, for example,in🇵🇭
They never go to trial, because our governments are🇺🇸puppets
Mar 30
Winston Churchill's policies caused a famine that claimed more than 3 million Indian lives, according to a new study using soil analysis for the first time to prove the origins of the disaster

Yep, we must remember the terrorists that the West introduced in Russia after the collapse of the USSR.
They massacred hundreds of Russian children. 👇
US soldiers raping Japanese women have sparked constant protests.…
The US military raped & videotaped 54 underage girls at the #Tolemaida Air force base in #Colombia. Later they spread the videos of the violations by Internet. Due to bilateral immunity agreements the men were immune from prosecution by 🇨🇴
The Crimes of the Liberators - America's Dark Secrets in World War II [HD] (doc) german…
Allied Soldiers Raped almost One Million German Women, Historian Finds
Where should Baloch go & raise their voices?In Balochistan they’re being Killed&Disappeared, in foreign they’ve FacingDeportationThreats to🇵🇰which is already a hell for not only Baloch but all of human beings.
♀️& CHILDREN are also abducted

#PalestineLandDay | One more reason why #ElliotAbrams, #DonaldTrump's henchman for regime change in #Venezuela, is a very dangerous man.
#Analysis by @MohamedHemish and @Utsa_94.
Before organizing the coup in Venezuela, Elliot Abrams destabilized Palestine.
More than 200,000 people died or disappeared during #Guatemala’s armed #conflict, according to the @UN, many of them #indigenous Maya. After last week's vote, the political implications of the proposed #amnesty will continue to unravel.

Let's not forget, it was the🇺🇸that trained & armed the Taliban in🇦🇫against USSR...Soviet-built projects helped bring about development & social change in🇦🇫in the 1960s & 70s. Women were able to go to school.
Taliban & the🇺🇸radicalized it.⤵️
How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen -Zbigniew Brzezinski, President Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor from 1977 to 1981-

Police shoot sleeping rapper more than 20 times in bodycam video (DISTURBING)
India claims 7 Pakistani military posts destroyed in latest #Kashmir flare-up
The Scene of the Crime by Seymour Hersh…
#Vietnam #MyLai
The worst of the British Empire in India: Jallianwala Bagh massacre (Op-Ed by @ShashiTharoor)
One of the Yazidi children who was kidnapped by ISIS. "are you hungry", asks the soldier. The boy answers that he hasn't eaten in twenty days. " do you have any relatives, where are you from?" he answers that he is from Sinjar in Iraq.
Esta notícias reúne dados de 12 anos que foram um pesadelo para o povo pobre e agredido do Haití…
Your fund will go broke when it comes to funding Yezidi victims of torture and what about Palestinian victims of Israeli torture, the Balochi who are abducted by the Pakistani Army and tortured and usually shot after wards.
Avşin Usanmaz, a 1-year-old baby with brain cancer(is diagnosed with a brain tumor which causes red & purple patches on his skin),has been held in a prison in Mardin province with his imprisoned mother.
There were nearly 3,000 Yezidi girls & young🚺who were abducted by ISIS as"sex slaves"& never seen again.They were basically left to their fate by the 🇪🇺,🇺🇸,🇬🇧,🇪🇺&NATO, with no one initiating any kind of search for them.THEY WERE ABANDONED.…
A one year old Kurdish baby with brain cancer is held in prison in🇹🇷.
The baby is diagnosed with a brain tumor which causes red & purple patches on his skin.
There are over 700 babies in Turkish prisons.
🇺🇸,this is your NATO ally #Turkey.

Saif Gaddafi during an interview in 2011 said: "The Western world commits a big crime against the Libyan people"
#OnThisDay | On #NATO's 70 anniversary, let's take a look at the organization's "humanitarian interventions" over history. #UnitedStates
What the fuck is this😲🤬?
🇺🇸thinks it is above the law? Enough is enough‼️🤬🇺🇸MF
Are you going to do something or will you continue to be the🇺🇸puppet🤬?
US revokes #ICC prosecutor's entry visa de probe into #Afghan #warcrimes🤬

If all NamesAreDifferent,If all FacesAreDifferent,If all PeopleAreDifferent,Wecan’tBlame all Muslims for TheRadicalismOfAGroup.If you want to sue DAESH,do it immediately,but to BringACase to the DAESH to him to sue those who give the🇺🇸Gov
@briandavidearp cites Kenyan man whose circumcision was TribalInitiation into adulthood, wonders why🇺🇸docs inflict meaningless suffering of circumcision on infants-disrupting maternal bonding of infants w overwhelming incomprehensible violence
The Kleptocratic Empire's militia: NATO. Illegally invading, murdering and plundering nations in the name of freedom and democracy.

NATO: Seven Decades of Lies, War, and Blood @FortRussNews…
The Anti-Democratic Roots of NATO
Georgia08: Saakashvili launches a massive shelling on Tskhinval, including 70🇷🇺peace-keeping soldiers. Ukraine14:🇺🇸organizes a neo-Nazi Coup. Syria 2011: beginning of the🇺🇸supported carnage. Venezuela19: New imperial coup to grab the biggest oil reserves in the world

U.S is responsible for everything happening in Libya, from creation of slave markets to the death of civilians, fix it.…
Not sure whether it's the #irony or the #hypocrisy that stands out the most.🇪🇺report: Georgia started the war. 🇺🇦? You mean where the CIA sponsored coup took place? 🇻🇪? The world sees you ... we're not as stupid as you think we are.🇸🇾?…

@SecPompeo It is now clear, or do you prefer that I spell it slower🤨?

@pvillegas_tlSUR @vijayprashad @HectoRodriguez @MQuevedoF @DrodriguezVen @jorgerpsuv @HelenaVillarRT @LMOTTAD