Chester Doles, a longtime neo-Nazi & “fourth-generation” Klansman, is organizing rally in downtown Dahlonega, GA 9/14…
#LumpkinCounty #racism #noklan #gapol

#BikersforTrump #NeoNazi #klan #Georgia

Care to comment @ga9_gop @GaRepublicans?

National Alliance was once the foremost neo-Nazi organization in US. Both Roper and Doles were members.…
Doles also named a son, Pierce, after William Pierce:…
Doles now stresses that an "Army Veteran" is sponsoring event, yet Doles remains main organizer & promoter.
Rally promoted on white power sites.
#gapol #NazisForTrump

Bikers for Trump have withdrawn support for 9/14 rally in #Dahlonega, GA. The "Salute to President Trump" rally is organized by longtime neo-Nazi Chester Doles, with assistance from other white supremacists.
Our article:… (will update post shortly)

So far no North Georgia GOP reps have disavowed the #NazisforTrump event, despite being informed.
Time for a statement

Silence from local Republicans — while neo-Nazis and white supremacists use “Trump” to recruit — is unacceptable.…
#gapol #LumpkinCounty

You need to make a clear public statement about the Nazi-organized "Salute to President Trump" rally in Dahlonega, since your silence gives the impression of support for the event.…
#LumpkinCounty #gapol #noklan #racism #Georgia…