There's this section which looks rather off ... +

And so, @jonatanpallesen's claim here of "disproving" NNT looks off-target.
More as I process this ...

Average income is meaningless in case starting income is $40k in Y1, growing to $100k in Y6 going down to income ZERO in Y9 and Y10.
If your prediction is that IQ maps to some income at the END of Y10, use just that single value.

I'm curious how this visualisation looks with the axes swapped.
Will pick this up later +

Should be able to work with the IQ - income/success relations over the weekend.

This exercise needs to be repeated with clipping the IQ at 70/100 ("competence"/"mean") levels - for changes.



What I want to do now is ignore the data for IQ below 70 and check for just IQ and parental income - singly - regressed for Net Worth and TPI +
Next would be to check for IQ and NW/TPI for cases which started/own a business and otherwise. And lastly, use grades.
I doubt any serious scientist would make any assertive claim on the predictive validity of IQ in this case.