That's because, even today, most roadmaps still follow the dreaded *timeline roadmap* format 😱
And here's why that sucks. THREAD 👇
This might be easy in the short term when you've got clarity from your developers on delivery plans, but it gets harder and harder the further out you plan.
No new competitors, no changes in the market, no need to change your plans...
And that's a dangerous assumption given how fact things *do* change.
There are alternatives that won't set you up for failure:
Here's a format that works well. It's the elevator pitch template from @geoffreyamoore's fantastic book, Crossing the Chasm, and it asks the right sort of questions to get you started on your vision statement.

Your roadmap should be tracked to company-level objectives, not a pile of features for features' sake.
We here at @ProdPad like to use OKRs (Objectives & Key Results), and show the objectives off on our roadmap in bright colours.

✨Your roadmap is a prototype for your product strategy.
It's meant to change as you learn more, and a lean roadmap format gives you that flexibility.
(Just as the value of a prototype isn't the prototype, but in the prototyping and all of the learning that comes from it).
Thanks for coming to my TED talk 😅
This is probably a good time to mention that me and my team at @ProdPad do roadmap troubleshooting clinics to help #prodmgmt folks like you 🤲
Sessions are free and you can sign up here:…
Keep them coming in the comments and I'll get to them all 🖖
I might write this up as a big FAQ about roadmaps and their pitfalls. Would that be helpful?
Based on all your great questions, I wrote an article that tackles the objections you might run into and how to tackle them:…