I don’t think this is a good way to describe our situation. Here’s what I’ve written before: 5/
Wait, what? I’ve never seen a credible argument that’s likely to occur. Could it occur? Sure. But I think it’s fair to say that this is not high on my list of worries. 6/
Approximately 100% of the recent warming is due to humans. References to supporting evidence can be found in Sect. TS.4.2 of the IPCC AR/5 technical summary (ipcc.ch/site/assets/up…) 9/
Absolutely! We know with high confidence that extreme temperatures are getting more extreme: 10/
I would change my view if someone came up with a credible alternative theory that explained observed climate change & that did a better job than mainstream theory. 13/
We need a global response to climate change. The US is the economic leader of the world, so so has enormous power in these types of negotiations. 14/
So US action is key to the necessary global response. 15/
Science is essentially a festival of people constructively disagreeing. Everyone is welcome to join. However, you have to agree to the rules of science if you want to be taken seriously. 16/