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📢🧐 How can we improve the quality of our relationships with ourselves and others? This article explores expert advice on relationship management.👥💕…

#relationships #selfimprovement
1/15 Our relationships with others reflect the quality of our relationship with ourselves. Can we change our behavior and chemistry to cultivate more positive relationships?🤔💭

#selfreflection #positivity
2/15 Building and nurturing a relationship requires being available for the other person, clear communication, and meeting your partner where they are.👫💬🤝

#relationshipadvice #communication
Read 16 tweets
Do y know #Naira testimony?
Naira (15girl)'s propaganda speech at US House of Representatives Human Rights Hearing is still being told today

Iraqi soldier
friend had her fingernails removed, electrocuted her genitals, made her look like an old woman at 22
The Kuwaiti ambassador's daughter, #Naira, staged a tragedy under the guise of a third party, leading US public opinion, which had until then been suppressed, to the #IraqGulfWar.
This kind of sensational imagery deception spreads quickly and widely.
This looks something like
#LeeYongsoo 's testimony before the #US House of Representatives.

이것은 무언가와 비슷합니다.
#이용수에 의한 #미국 하원 에서의 증언입니다.

#李容洙 による #米国下院 での証言です。

#comfort women
#이용수 ImageImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
🏁_____ 🤴 👸 _____🏁

⭕️ ⬛️🟥⚫️
Rodney Mullen
DaeWON #SONG LZ ImageImage
10/23/2000 (99 00 01)
( #COMMS LEFT IN TIME ) Using the life of NOT A good man, the life of A #GREAT MAN …

#Transition 2 GREATNESS ! ….

Billed Weight—
•67 (58)
•13. 13.

.@taylorswift13, let’s talk about the number 13.
13 is not actually ImageImage
You’re favorite number, you’re favorite number is 2 & 4 (42) (24) …
Let’s talk about the Jersey number 24, #LAKE ..
Let’s talk about The 🖕 MIDDLE #FINGER Award ..
Let’s talk about every photo that I allowed someone to take of me, why do you think I always chose the Bird?
Read 25 tweets
This is one of the most important reasons Forgiveness has been so important, Breaking the cycle Doing whatever it takes to Make PEACE ..

Never forgetting the #WHY.

Selflessly choosing with FREE WILL To have compassion for the #WHY ones were on certain paths —The #ROOT.

Some were born into THAT life & all they have known is THAT life, living in fear ..

MANY are being set free, you never know what someone has gone through in life. .


I know I have mentioned this before but forgiveness allows MANY who have dedicated their
Life to making sure humanity had A chance at survival & knowing the truth …
Those who dedicated their life for others earned it, they are the ones who should be praised & thanked. .
Without their loyalty, None of this would be possible. Not forgiving & seeking “vengeance”
Read 5 tweets
All life recycles & those who become stars/make it in whatever industry they’ve chosen learn of the real world at some point—It’s either stay silent, be silenced or replaced with MANNikins to be used as puppets pushing very evil agendas …

The MANNikins contaminating everything
Gain such big followings & by design they push evil agendas that drive as many as possible away from God/The Words long written down ..

Spider-Man ‘No Way Home’, “Another version of me—Another Version of you” ..

- How do you think EVERYONE has known for THOUSANDS
Of years I would be Born? ..
- How do you think EVERYTHING Created around ALL OF YOU, all around the world has been created as it has been ALL POINTING TOWARDS 1 “Nobody” from Wisconsin ? …

Imagine living your life when you were young knowing there was so much more to your
Read 24 tweets

5+6= 11 More Hours—Stay Tuned. .

I truly can give the word & that word gives EVERYONE what they want, LITERALLY …

Is any of this about money? …
Is any of this about possessions/Materialistic objects ? ..
Has ANY of what’s unfolding ever been about the Gold?
In your mind, right this very second—Take it all away & show yourself what YOU see ..
- Take all evil away.
- Take all money away. ..
- Take all possessions Away. …
- Take all [NEED] away. .
- Take all Addictions away.
- Take all away that makes this world hurt & Thrive.
Once you have taken it all away, What/Who do you see? …

Starting from #ZERO, What is all YOU/EVERYONE [NEEDS] ? …

Out of the entire world population, how many would now know exactly what has been wrong with the world for THOUSANDS of years & know exactly how to-
Read 38 tweets
FREEDOM & JUSTICE served on A Silver Platter …

⭕️ of Life

The Military = Saviors Of #Mankind
#Mankind Played the Role of God in the WWE, Went up against The Undertaker in A Boiler Room Brawl—Summer #SLAM 1996.

With Peace being the Prize, Mankind got Most to work together.
Cactus Jack with ‘BARBEE’, his go too Barbed Wire Baseball BAT in WWE..

Every detail has DEEPER meaning on WHY someone/EVERYTHING was used ..

#RA-Y BARBEE’s Skate part in ‘BAN THIS’ Is LEGENDARY !

All (3) Faces of Foley are 3 Mirror images of one another, Mirroring
Read 25 tweets
Is humidity control just for warm-humid weather? Or can you grow mold in winter?

A little thread for the part of #energytwitter that hasn't seen the bigger picture of #buildingscience.

First, if you think you're immune to moisture & mold problems because your climate is dry in summer, let me invite you to take a look inside your fridge. What's inside that container in the back that you've forgotten for a couple of months.

Extreme example: Family in Kansas had a poorly insulated building enclosure. They kept the inside relative humidity at 50% while outdoor temperature was -5 °F.

Yes, that's ice on the walls & ceiling inside the house. Here are the details:

Read 11 tweets
Shane Owns WCW, Just remember …
He gives it all back to THE PEOPLE ..

Hulk ends up choosing to go back to his #ROOTS, #YELLOW & #RED ..
The Toaster
The Vacuum
The Light
The Radio 🎶
All Looking for their Master, I was once lost, being searched for, I have been found..

My #REAL FAMILY Means everything to me, all the hate in the world or drama, I have no time for. .
I choose to be the change, those who choose
Daily to be lost forever being apart of the problem, that’s their choice ..
Eventually it’s all going to be even more clear than it already is, those who chose the paths they have of hate/division will eventually have A choice to make, that choice comes once forgiveness of self
Read 5 tweets
The Blackouts That will be taking place ARE NOT because of the sun, they are but because of THE SON demand PEACE ..

The War Of All Wars is over.

R econcile N ot R evenge ! …

I choose life & I chose to forgive, I choose MERCY. .

I #CHOOSE to forgive ALL evil with my own FREE WILL because I #WANT too & NOT because of where I come from that I “Have Too “ ..

#BREAK free from the same ol’ Hell Loops humanity has been trapped within all because forgiveness was never an option. Vengeance
Was always more important, not caring how it was affecting the future for all..

The FUTURE, THE CHILDREN are the FUTURE & Forgiveness brings A BRIGHT future for ALL children all around the world for THOUSANDS of years !

1 Simple SELFLESS #ACT of Kindness, Can Save A world !
Read 21 tweets
I wonder whose bright idea it was that if a #vagina managed penetrative #sexual activity, it must be pliable to #insertion of the speculum 😒. Whoever that was definitely disregarded the physiology of sexual #arousal & vaginal changes in the moment that facilitate #penetration.
@vagina_museum shows that everyone's apparatus is different then how can #Gynecology stick to a one size fits all model? #publichealth should strive to develop minimally invasive self administered #screening tests & #gynaecologist must #research on making procedures comfortable.…
This shows that topical #anesthetic agents reduce #pain and #discomfort during speculum manipulation. Why can't the usage of topical #anesthesia be a #standard process in #Gynecology? Why such blatant disregard for #patient #comfort? 😠 #misogyny much?
Read 5 tweets
REAL #faith doesn't require "proof."
Proof serves EGO.
Faith serves a higher purpose and a Higher Power.
We have FAITH in that which we cannot see,
and PROOF is only needed in the absence of faith.

"There is nothing covered that shall not be revealed, nor hid that shall not be
known." -Luke 12:2

Faith is the understanding that God will reveal the TRUTH according to His timing.
When we release EGO and focus less on what we [want] and more on only what we [need], we will discover #comfort in patience.

We can find proof of God's work by how we choose to
view the World each day.
We can SEE change in the littlest of things while the rest of the World remains blind.
We know that lies will be uncovered, that the system will fall and that corruption will end.
PROOF is for the blind; faith is for those confident in what God has shown.
Read 4 tweets
The Concord project opted to go with Solar (PV) connected to an energy storage system (battery storage) in lieu of a backup generator.

This system has been designed to keep the critical loads for the home operational even if the utility power is knocked out.
This includes the backup heating and domestic hot water system (gas boiler with radiant floor heat + indirect hot water tank), the refrigerator, freezer, microwave, TV/WiFi, lighting and receptacles in strategic areas.
The Generac PwrCell provides 18 kWh of battery storage in a single cabinet, and up to 9 kW of continuous power output, enough to power the critical loads for extended periods of time. It can also be expanded to 36 kWh of battery storage in the future should it ever be needed.
Read 7 tweets
1/ 🧵Wisdom in Medicine
What’s going on here? And why it’s key in #COVID19
It’s quite simple: we finally had the #wisdom to ask Mr. D the right question! He and his wife encouraged us to use this picture to teach what we learned.
#PalliativeCare #MedTwitter #NurseTwitter
2/ What we learned was to switch the preposition!
Mr. D was a pre-#COVID patient. On this day, he was taken off the vent after a MONTH. The incessant mantra had been, “What’s the matter WITH Mr. D?” He was surprised when we asked, “What matters TO you, Mr. D?”
3/ He has a tracheostomy, as you can see. We insert this airway through the neck to improve #comfort when someone is on a vent well beyond 10 days. He’s more comfortable because he no longer has a tube in his mouth. We used a program called the #A2Fbundle to reduce his #delirium.
Read 13 tweets
#FEELGOODFRIDAY: Although 2020 was 😩 I’m lucky to be working during the #pandemic, telling stories that matter, especially about people & pets with a big ❤️ who make the 🌎 go round. Here are 17 of those stories I did w/@SBM_Steve, 1 of the best photographers ever!
Thread. 1/18
A Mass. mom joined a group of parents at her son’s #daycare in #Medford, MA to raise enough money to prevent it from shutting down due to #COVID.

Parents Help Save Medford Daycare From Closing Due to Pandemic

Full story:…
This Boston woman walked around the city handing out food to people in need until she raised enough money to open a free outdoor refrigerator/food pantry to feed more people. A Boston restaurant is stepping up to provide free electricity for the fridge.

Full story. 👇🏽👇🏽
Read 18 tweets
1. From my morning quiet time with God: [Jesus said:] "For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day...
2. "...No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them,and I will raise them up at the last day..." (John 6:40, 44)

These are comforting words, originally spoken to a disbelieving crowd who wanted Jesus to be a king who did their bidding, like modern-day...
3. ...political candidates pandering for votes. But Jesus wasn't out to win a popularity contest. He was offering all of us more than "a chicken in every pot and a Maserati in every garage."
Read 10 tweets
Years have fallen
Swept away
From her eyes

Creases #bear
Pain of tears
Never wailed

Tides of green
Have tsunami of
Stories veiled

Dreams stacked
As secrets in lashes
In a blink

Of life revealed
In ebb of her eyes
Read 50 tweets
#crazy Useless #patient

Middle-aged man, loves his #family, #farming, drives a cab, #happy. Son & wife at #home. Father-son relationship strong as rock. One #morning, son finds father mumbling to self. Mother says he hardly slept
Mumbling becomes angry ramblings. #Clinical LAENNEC WAS TAUGHT THE IMPO...
Has very little #breakfast. Walks excessively. Goes and lies down, only to get up and walk again. Family interactions little. Sleeps well for 2 hours from 12 to 2PM. Lunchtime. Groggy #father gets on the lunch table and defecates near plates and food. Son and mother aghast.
Father has gone mad. Calls the friendly neighbor, brings his car, rushes to #Medical specialty #clinic nearby. Father disoriented. Son gets the Fword from his own father multiple times, he is shocked! Then comes hurling of abuses after which they restrain him in the car.
Read 15 tweets
#Ayurvedic treatment of fatty #liver – real world evidence: A #Thread
Overweight woman, early 40’s. Routine liver tests, mild enzyme abnormalities. Advised #ultrasound liver, showed grade 2 #fattyliver. GP advised vitaminE and #weightloss, review in 3mo
Patient and husband doubtful. Hears fatty liver disease can lead to #cirrhosis. Seeks advice from #Ayurvedic practitioner nearby #home since #Herbal #DRUGS = safe. Assures complete #cure through #Ayurveda. Prescribes multiple #medicines, advises almost all foods restriction.
Lets look at medicines. #tablet APFIL. Packet mentions ‘for liver #diseases’. Which liver disease? There is #alcohol related, #hepatitis B/C, #NAFLD, primary biliary #cholangitis and more causes. Nine #herbs extract combo - clinical #evidence on safety and benefit ❌
Read 14 tweets
I started playing #guitar in college. Some of my friends back home played, so I thought I'd learn. It's been years since I kept up with it. With no job and an empty house, I had time. Plus, I could crank up my amp. Ava would have hated it. All the more reason to do it.
Strumming a few chords or playing a riff through a loud amp usually makes me feel better. It's more of a distraction this time. My amp is a little old. Even a #ragpicker might pass on it. "If you're not going to play it, sell it," Ava nagged. Life always got in the way.
Or I got in the way. Not even ten years ago I kept getting sick all the time. Painful stomach cramps would radiate weakness throughout my body. I learned how to wash it away like healing #rainwater. That's when I really started to figure out who I was and what I could do.
Read 1104 tweets
Ok #Patriots let’s think about this..numbers for #Covid_19 are low in our #Hospitals . What would we #Quarantine and clear out hospitals for ? Especially in a #shutdown ? If all “legit” business operations will get #stimulus then what happens to the “non-legit”?...
...well they are in suspense! Running low on drugs and money. #mercy and #comfort are what would be needed to help #withdrawal victims. Right ? Why else send them to the largest #drug areas in the #USA ? Where else would the most unfortunate section of humanity...
...go? What if all drugs (illegal) run out ? Because the plan is to hold out on them. Then not stimulate anything that can’t be verified through the #Fed ? #TrustThePlan #Q has told us #WWG1WGA . #Addicts are part of us all and we know they have been sunk into darkness...
Read 5 tweets

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