ANA+ with centromere pattern, CREST?
==>#UnmaskSx with Steroids when tapering steroids.
==>Deep perivascular infiltrate on bx = Derm IDK!

Dx: Type II Cryo
Learning Pearl: Retiform purpura "angular stellate rash" pic below and diagram -> VASCULITIS or VASCULOPATHY
#dermtwitter #rheumatology

Learning Pearl:
Minimal trauma w/ blisters = EBA, treat with dapsone +/- prednisone
Consult Derm!
BUT-> Came back with green rash
Hemolytic anemia with dapsone!
Green = Yellow (Jaundice) and Blue (Cyanosis)
Interesting cases that help Dermatologists and Rheumatologists work together and collaborate on our interesting cases.
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