I'll do a short medical thread over the weekend
• potent stimulant made from the leaves of the coca plant which is native to South America - mostly grown in Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru
Nicknames: coke, blow, snow, powder

• fine, white powder
• snorted, rubbed on gums, dissolved and injected into the body

• rocks known as crack cocaine
• made by "cooking" cocaine powder with baking powder
• heated up and smoked
• very potent
• freebase coke
• cocaine powder dissolved in water + base product + solvent
• very potent
• declined in use over the years
• it is short-lived
• eventually you need stronger and more frequent doses to achieve the same high
• this leads to addiction and sadly sometimes overdose
• extreme happiness
• lots of energy
• mental alertness
• you do everything quicker
HOWEVER the effects are short-lived hence you need more cocaine to "maintain" the effects ----> ADDICTION
• increases your heart rate
• raises your blood pressure
• raises your body temperature
• contracts your blood vessels
• increases your breathing rate
• reduces your decision-making ability
Drug dealers "cut" cocaine to make a larger batch
Cutting = adding anything that comes in a white powder form e.g. laundry detergent
You take more cocaine to achieve the dopamine high ---> overdose
Again, your life is in danger because of the risk of overdose
Like me and you
Many of the signs and symptoms of cocaine use can be hidden well and missed by others
Who doesn't want to be on call with an energetic doctor? Who doesn't want to work with an enthusiastic banker?