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Feb 24th 2023
In 1998, two Stanford students published "The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine," in which they wrote, "Advertising funded search engines will be inherently biased towards the advertisers and away from the needs of consumers." 1/ A modified version of Hiero...
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
The co-authors were Lawrence Page and Sergey Brin, and the "large-scale hypertextual web search-engine" they were describing was their new project, which they called "#Google." They were 100% correct - prescient, even! 3/
Read 62 tweets
Jan 5th 2023
DoorDash has all the appslaves it needs to minimize pay. Few Dashers (heaven help YOUR "friends") complete 270 deliveries within 60 days (~15 hours per week, at 2 deliveries per hour).

📉DoorDash reports, "In 2021, 90% of Dashers worked less than 10 hrs per week on delivery." Image
You’ve heard, “if it’s free, you're the product." Here’s a new version for DoorDash Singularity. In the DoorDash game #Dashers ARE NOT PEOPLE WITH JOBS, they’re expenses judged by their all-in cost; the sum of their recruitment costs and delivery payments.…

DoorDash is "#LaborLaundering" - engaging in compensation schemes insidiously-designed to obscure any measurable rate of #DasherPay, any calculation of operational #Expenses, reporting of income from workers making under $600/year and the major issue of #Risk. Image
Read 11 tweets
Dec 30th 2022
[Méga-Thread des Tendances 2023]

Basé sur + de 100 présentations de IBM, Wall Street Journal, Instagram, TikTok, Adobe, Google, Deloitte, EMarketer, Forrester... Je vous partage les meilleurs extraits (tous sujets confondus) ici, je le compléterai au fil de mes lectures ⤵️
1/xxx - Le Multitasking va s'amplifier, votre journée de 24h fait déjà en réalité 32h en temps cumulé !

@WSJTech @activateinc ImageImage
2/xxx - Le temps passé sur le numérique va notamment croître au profit du gaming, mais le sujet sera dominé par le contenu vidéo

@WSJTech @activateinc Image
Read 40 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
Business story behind "Chocolate Chip Cookies Baked in a Jar", 11/28/2009:

My 1st business was an Etsy shop. Started in Ann Arbor after college. Today you'd call it a #sidehustle.

I sold jar cakes: Desserts baked in a jar with a magical 1-month shelf life.

🚪Adore a Jar Bakery Jar cookies from my Etsy shop in 2009
Never made big bucks, just some pocket change for beer and the unfortunate fashion trends of 2010 like huge owl necklaces.

This was pre Amazon Fresh and way before Etsy IPO'd. It is so easy to order anything and start a business in 24 hrs today.
I had two or three other jobs at the same time.

When I got a corporate marketing job, I would still mail out the jar cakes at USPS on my lunch break.

I'd wait in line in Buckhead, praying the glass wouldn't break en route to Iowa or Vermont and no one would get food poisoning.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 20th 2022
MemberOwls [ An A.I Powered Membership site creator in 2 Minutes for dummies.]: What are the features of MemberOwls?…
#webdeveloper #digitalmarketingagency #digitalmarketingtips #digitalmarketer #Sales #Salesforce #marketingoptimization Image
How To Rank ANY webSite on the first page of Google Without Backlinks [Ranking Number 1 on Google Made Easy]…
#SEO #seorankjng #DigitalMarketing
Read 19 tweets
May 17th 2022
🧵 When interest rates are too high to borrow freely against (approaching CPI*) , and when inventory returns(**), the tide will drop very fast. Demand and consumer confidence will crater quickly and spending/hiring/investing will change rapidly.
The wobble we are seeing right now is credit tightening…so the Money Printer merry go round is slowing down from BRRRRR to BRRRrr. This means that *top level* people can still borrow cheaply but lower tier credit offers are now approaching 8-15% which is ~par with inflation.
This is how the Cantillon effect works in real time. High wage earners are protected the longest, whale clients get lifejackets first. The lower decks start flooding and self employed (OnlyFans?) plebs with 650 fico are gonna pay 10% on car loans. Whales get 2.49%.
Read 18 tweets
Jan 31st 2022
When you get some time, go to Buyer Beware on Facebook and look for the post where Kenyans were discussing lessons from their failed ventures and the type of businesses.

It's basically remote/phone/Mpesa farming, clothing and Uber but let me break it down further briefly.
There are businesses that only make financial sense if the owner is the operator or has domain experience.

Like an Uber car. If you buy one, drive it to learn and understand.

Most people don't make enough to service car loan, pay driver and maintenance.

Or a butchery.
Any business which you don't understand the hidden dynamics don't get into it.

Like a wines and spirits, bars and transport without a godfather. You might find out your competition has rigged the game.
Read 16 tweets
Dec 20th 2021
If you are a Corps member getting your allawee around this time... Not to go broke in January go hard without a sidehustle 😄.

Online Sidehustles include
1. Freelancing

2. Real estate

3. Affiliate marketing (tested and trusted)

A Thread

#NYSC #sidehustle #MondayMotivation
4. Youtubing (if that's a word? 😅)

5. Quora (questioning and answering)

6. Tik-Tok ( another new word 😄)

7. Social media influencing

8. Cryptocurrency and airdrops

Personally I am open to mentoring you on affiliate marketing.

#sidehustle #free #Freelance #incomeboost
Check out this money making report by one of the front runners of internet income generation

And never go broke again.

#NYSC #sidehustle #freelancer #Nigerian #inspiration
Read 3 tweets
Nov 16th 2021
8 UNIQUE Ways To Generate Leads That You Probably haven't tried & you must. 🧵

#Marketing #leadgeneration #StartupSpace #sidehustle
#1. Quora

Quora is a goldmine for those who know how to use it. If your customers are searching " What, How, Which and Why" questions, I can bet that quora is on the first page of google with an answer. Respond with an interesting image and example & of-course lead them.
#2. Email Signature

I actually have 5 different email signatures on Gmail that i use based on who I am communicating with. I add a "p.s." and lead them to consulting calls or my high end ticket products. We do this on our ticketing platform too!
Read 10 tweets
Mar 4th 2021
Thread by @JessicaMeigs (THANK YOU THANK YOU!)

➡️ Hey #entrepreneurs, #TwitterMarketing, and ANYONE who is #selfemployed

‼️EVERYONE should know this information that's being buried in the news cycle:

‼️The PRO Act, or HR 842‼️👎

The voting date is scheduled for 03/08! (aka THIS Monday!)

🚨Remember the heavily OPPOSED smack-down that #California imposed on millions of #independentcontractors?

That they are ‼️STILL‼️ fighting? The law that says you cannot even do #Rideshare unless @uber, @lyft, @Grubhub
... EMPLOY you as an official employee of the company. 😱

Even IF they could afford to do that (and these companies have ALREADY said they CANNOT,) you could not:

🔸set your own schedule
🔸where you want to work
🔸or any other #sidehustle - GONE

Not sure if you’re in this 📦?
Read 12 tweets
Feb 28th 2021
10 big startups that use no-code tools.
A thread 🧵

#nocode #startup #makers #100daysofnocode #buildinpublic #sidehustle #sideproject #bubbleio #webflow
1. @incomeeapp
Simple accounting tool made for freelancers
Tool: @bubble
2. @we_remoto
Spanish remote Job Board
Tool: Sheet2Site
Read 12 tweets
Feb 26th 2021
1. Open AI ( @OpenAI )
GPT-3 and artificial general intelligence.
2. CoinGecko ( @coingecko )
Cryptocurrency metrics.
Read 6 tweets
Aug 2nd 2020
I was able to make an extra $1500 last month from one of the #sidehustle Business I’m running, if you want to know how continue reading below, hopefully this will motivate some persons to get started...

1. I go to #ebay and find the eBay trending page, I look for T-shirt’s or any designs that are currently trending and check if other people are copying it, that’s because you can’t use some designs without licensing it, for example most sport designs
2. Next thing I do is go to #upwork or #fiverr and find someone to design that same logo for me, if the design wasn’t done well I’ll improve it, not all the time just copying will work.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 23rd 2020
#SideHustle #strategy #Thread
#1 So, there's a couple of things. if you want your side hustle to grow:
1. Read the lean startup and lean that idea. Grow your business with a single client in the beginning. Learn from the client and test your ideas with the client.
#2 Strategise your vision and mission, plans and goals so that you know where you're heading. If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything.
#2.1 Choose your service not on what you can do, but on what you want to do. And you have the discretion to do something outside of your mission and vision.
You need to know it's to just pay the bills this time, or because you will use this as a stepping stone
Read 5 tweets
Feb 1st 2020
Had a fascinating convo with a colleague this afternoon about time management. Subconsciously, I have done a bit of an audit of my time in an effort to maximize every waking hour. People ask how I have done so much in my career. Here's how... #JoesLifeLessons
There are 24 hours a day. 8 hours sleeping & 8 hours working. That leaves 8 hours of _____. That's why it was easy for me to say yes to hosting @WHLHitmen & @calstampeders games or helping start up @ABDugoutStories. #JoesLifeLessons
These audits are always ongoing. Family & friends will always come first. When I started my relationship with Erin, I knew I would have to recalibrate. Same when we bought a house, got married & I will do it again if/when we have kids. #JoesLifeLessons
Read 6 tweets
Nov 23rd 2019
Okay, before I got to bed, I am going to throw out some words garnered from the book I am reading at the moment... and no not Hugh Johnson's Pocket Book of Wine 2019. The one that is about making #money via a #sidehustle by @chrisguillebeau
1. Everyone should have a #sidehustle. It is a way to make some extra money and can be useful as insurance in case you lose that ever important day job. Your side hustle doesn't have to be a main gig and should be started with a specific goal in mind.
For instance, perhaps you have a vacation coming up and you want to make some extra money to pay for it. Maybe you want to pay off those #studentloans and you can use a side hustle to do it. or maybe you are bored out of your mind and want something to occupy your time.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 12th 2019
You are truly blessed if you are living well on one source of income
The rest of us have had to start hustling on the side #SideHustle
Look at your skills set and your natural talent if you are considering a #SideHustle
Read 6 tweets
Feb 12th 2019
This is a staged living room at an unoccupied real estate listing.
Pricing for attractive furnishings in 2 rooms plus kitchen & bath accessories starts at $1500 for 90 days. ... thread
You read it right: $1500 plus.
Staged listings are proven to sell for a higher price and with fewer days on market. So it usually pays to stage and it is a high demand service.
$1500 and up doesn't make sense for low end for sale listings OR high end lease listings.

Affordable staging is the perfect
RE #sidehustle niche.
Read 6 tweets

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