Life expectancy in the region is increasing, and the gaps in life expectancy between countries and between men and women are narrowing.
Infant and maternal mortality have both fallen"-@DrTedros at #RC69CPH

@WHO_Europe has also been at the forefront of efforts to address the health of refugees & migrants, & to deal with the threat of #AntimicrobialResistance"-@DrTedros

There is an over 10-year gap between the countries with the shortest & longest life expectancies.
🚬 use remains unacceptably high & alcohol consumption is the highest in the 🌍"-@DrTedros at #RC69CPH

Out-of-pocket health spending accounts for more than 30% of total health spending in more than 20 countries, due largely to the cost of medicines"-@DrTedros at #RC69CPH

We cannot tolerate a world – or a region – where the rich get healthy and the poor get sick.
We are committed to #HealthForAll, not health for some"-@DrTedros at #RC69CPH