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Sep 23rd 2019, 3 tweets, 1 min read Read on Twitter
If Brexit happens, there will be a new relationship negotiated between the UK and the EU.

It will be a relationship that literally nobody will have voted for...

...At the expense of one that 16,141,241 people voted for.

That is objectively undemocratic.
It's like if 10 people are watching a film.
6 vote "Let's see something else" so everyone leaves that cinema room. And then because the blonde con-artist and the nicotine-soaked racist of the 6 shout the loudest, they all end up in a film that only 2 people like.
This is why "Leave means Leave" is such a pointless statement. Leave means change from one treaty to another treaty.

Democracy cannot function if we treat "Give us *something* else" as a binding democratic mandate.
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