First time at the PrimeTime Emmys.
A short thread?
(Our #hisdarkmaterials costume designer Caroline McCall procured it for me last week when she correctly realized I had not thought that far ahead, she is the best)

He tells me, “I don’t know if you remember me, but you came to my high school performance of In The Heights, I played Usnavi.”

Mario Lopez, to me: “I CHOREOGRPAHED THAT FIGHT.”👀
What a sentence that is.
El Meón is his nickname for a childhood friend of mine who slept over and wet the bed when we were in first grade. FIRST GRADE! El Meón is 40 years old now.
No matter. To my dad, he’s El Meón forever.
I tell Sam the story.
He replies, “Well your dad’s not wrong, I am peeing my pants a little.”
Aka the best seat in the house.
I think about when Michelle came over to watch #FosseVerdonFX, and could not bear to watch her scenes, but still knew all her lines from 8 months prior:
Anyway, I get to hand the award to Zazu, because John is Zazu in our house now