#No, and here is why:

However, there was a
You see, according to Jewish tradition, prophets died on the days that they were conceived. Jesus was thought to have bee crucified on 14 Ninsan,
Nevertheless, we have no Biblical proof that Jesus was born on December 25th.
Indeed, we have
What is this evidence?
The Shepherds tending their flocks...at night.
Luke's Gospel records shepherds tending their flocks at night when the angels appear to them and sing (Luke 2:8-14). Now, why would they tend their sheep at night
It was in the hot part of the year.
Shepherds would avoid tending their flocks in daytime during the hot
Thus, this wasn't winter.
And thus, not December 25th.
And as for being visited by three kings: The Bible does not identify the Wise Men as kings or three, just "magi", or wise men, and the fact that
Indeed, the timing from Christ's birth to the Wisemen's arrival could have been as long as 2 years
So Jesus wasn't born on December 25th (even if the hot dry season wasn't actually indicated in the text, you'd still have no passage stating the exact date. You'd have a 1 in 365 chance of it being December 25th!) and he wasn't visited by three kings.
Matthew chapter 2
Luke chapter 2
The IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament, by Craig S. Keener, page 194
"The Case for the Real Jesus" by Lee Strobel, page 170-71