Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can be better achieved when like minds decide to spring up actions (little by little) to improve health; these micro actions can
then meet up at a center to birth a sustainable result.

easy-to-understand and accessible health booklet "especially" for those at the bottom of the Pyramid with little to no access to the internet.
What if they knew why the orthopedic surgeon needs a scan before a procedure?
Why do people who show signs of depression never get attended to until they commit suicide?
How many women have died trying to deliver at home because they believe only the weak go to the hospital?
How many happens among those at the bottom of the Pyramid?
How many among those with no access to the internet are able to take the RIGHT decisions about their health?
What options of #UHC do we have for them?
Though inexhaustible, we've made it in a digital booklet form for download (FREE) so that it can be shared across all social media platforms and additions would be made as time goes on.
venture, kindly send a mail to
for partnerships and sponsorship for the HARD COPY.
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