, 65 tweets, 131 min read
We're all set and ready to start with the first "diversity in merchanting" round table, organised by @bmf_merchants and @BMerchantsNews as part of #UKCW2019
We'll be live tweeting the event on this thread. You can also follow @MRAMarketing for updates
We are about to start. All our speakers are here.
They include:
Imogen Howarth, HR Generalist, @howarthtimber
Kishor Harsiani, Strategy & Finance Director, @ibcbuyingpower
Shanker Patel, CEO, @lbm001
Reina Reeves, Branch Manager, @lbm001
Lynn Street, Sales & Marketing Manager, @MidlandLead
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead And also:
Sheri Hughes, Diversity Inclusion Director, @MichaelPageUK
Andrew Harrison, CEO, @TP_plc Plumbing & Heating Division
John Harkness, HR Director, @TP_plc Hire
David Haydon, Chief Commercial Officer, @WolseleyUK
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK The first question is about unconscious bias and its repercussions on diversity in the workplace
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK David Haydon argues that we are all biased but we must be aware of it. John Harkness agrees and adds that colleagues must help each other and highlight bias when it happens. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK Maria Lawless, Head of Human Resources, @helpmebuildit is also on the panel
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Sheri Hughes says that training is not always enough and real staff diversity and different perspectives are crucial. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit David Haydon: "don't walk buy". Awareness must bring members of the majority to pick up on prejudice. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Diverse environments and positive cultures allow people and companies to thrive, says Andrew Harrison #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit John Harkness says that after training and awareness, companies must move to more systemic ways to reduce bias, even if it is not possible to eliminate it completely. Andrew Harrison adds that it takes time. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Several people make the comparison between the fight against prejudice and a company's approach to health and safety. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Lynn Street makes the point that prejudice is rife in smaller, one-branch merchants. For her the whole the industry must get involved. Maria Lawless agrees. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Tim Wood asks for examples of prejudice encountered by the panel. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Lynn Street explains how in a past position she was almost turned down from a position because she was a mum. She managed to point out that fathers weren't facing that sort of prejudice in the company. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit She adds that her first experience of the BMF AGM at the same time was "very male, very pale" and that things have moved on a lot, now. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit John Harkness: as in the case of mental health, it is ok to talk about it without fear of how it's landing. Maria Lawless says that "managers come to a point where they don't know what they can say". Andrew Harrison talks about the caring obligations of managers #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Sheri Hughes says managers need to understand how an individual can be the best person they can be at work, and that avoids box-ticking and creates a new approach. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Tim Wood asks about creating clearer criteria when hiring. Maria Lawless explains how her company tries to create flexibility. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Picking up on Sheri's point, John Harkness says that helping people be the best they can be is not only the right thing to do, it also makes commercial sense. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit David Haydon says that 45 hr/week only contracts exclude a lot of talent. He adds that companies should also celebrate dads who care for children. For him the next generation have grown up in a more open society. Finding prejudice in the industry will put them off #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Tim Wood move the debate on to disability, both visible and unvisible. He quote statistics. He asks if the industry is missing out by not dipping into such a large pool of talent. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Maria Lawless says it's a question of trying to attract disable people. Sheri Hughes makes the point that companies already often employ disabled people without really realising (she sites the case of existing employees who become somehow disabled while already on the team)
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit The question of reasonable adjustments arises. The panel points out that they often not as onerous as they might seem. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Kishor Harsiani points out that the diversity agenda in companies is often limited to gender and race, and that it too often become a box-ticking exercise. Sheri Hughes agrees that quotas are not a sustainable model #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Andrew Harrison says that the industry doesn't attract a diverse workforce in the first place. For him the solution has not been found yet. "Nobody ever dreams about becoming a builders' merchant" They fall into it. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Lynn Street talks about apprenticeship, which are male-dominated. She says that the process should start in schools where diversity is. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Andrew Harrison says that female branch-managers consistently bring in better results #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit He says that represents only 10% of staff at that level. He thinks that commercial counterparts have a much higher female representation. Maria Lawless says it's because of the environment. Shanker Patel agrees: Environment (in addition to culture) is crucial. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Shanker Patel: "teach people to trust and respect diversity"
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Maria Lawless says that directors who have grown up in the industry can be problem as they sometime know no different and are less likely to drive better diversity #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Shanker Patel reiterate the point about facilities and what dirty, unsafe and unwelcoming facilities will turn a lot of people off. Lynn Street explains how she used to have to plan her route as a rep around toilet availability #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit Tim Wood makes the point that people from minorities needs to be welcome and be given platforms. He sites the example of Sarah Daniel who spoke at the @bmf_merchants conference and got a standing ovation from the mostly white and male audience #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants John Harkness explains that the vocabulary used in job adverts make a huge difference in who they attract. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants Shanker Patel says that the industry only started about 5 years ago to change its approach to diversity. He says people are limited to what they know and not always open to what they don't know. Finding a way to engaging people is the issue. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants Reina Reeves, who was Lords' first female branch manager, explains how her presence challenged people's expectations and behaviour #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants David Haydon repeats his point that white male members of staff must speak out and point out prejudice. He had that women should also be included to the "money making" part of the business, rather than the back office.

@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants Haydon adds that diversity generates better solutions and ultimately affect the bottom line positively.
Sheri Hughes adds that younger people have expectations of working in open and diverse environments. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants Andrew Harrison says the younger generation expect to move on quickly from a role. This is different from what older generations used to do. This means a new approach for the industry. "Our game is changing very quickly" #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants Lynn Street says her company @MidlandLead is based in a very low-unemployment area and they are finding it difficult to find new staff. Retraining is important. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants Tim Wood asks about what the industry does for ex-offenders. Shanker Patel says there are some initiatives (particularly from @WCoBM but it's still early days. Lynn Street says ex-servicemen are also an untapped demographic.

@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Tim Wood asks what people want to add about gender imbalance in the industry. Everyone agrees it's there.
John Harkness says there is a long way to go but that women tend to perform better when put in position of authority. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM There is however a danger that men and some of the issues they face (mental health, toxic masculinity) can be ignore if action on gender is focused solely on women #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Kishor Harsiani says that diversity is not high on many people's agenda. People can be turned off by the idea, as they tend to focus on making a living. One approach is not going to fit everyone. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Shanker Patel says training interviewers, the content of job adverts are important. For him the absence of diverse candidates should be a signal that something is wrong. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Lynn Street says that people who are good at something (sales) are not necessarily good at a higher level job (manager). Maria Lawless says that this is an issue for "one-man-band". People are asked to do things they are not necessarily good at/trained for
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Shanter Patel says the onus is on companies to attract more diverse candidates. How recruitment is done is crucial here. Lynn Street warned of the risk of box-ticking. The best candidate must be the one who gets the job. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM David Haydon says he encountered resistance from recruiters when he asked for a 50/50 shortlist.
He adds that more women in a the workforce will have positive impact/change the environment for men too (he sites interest (or lack thereof) in football). #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Sheri Hughes talks about lateral thinking when recruiting. How to make the job different to attract different candidates. How to adapt the job to attract those people. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM "Promote on the basis of potential rather than qualification", says Reina Reeves #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Using younger, more diverse team members on social media can be a way to attract more diverse candidates. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM John Harkness says mental health is high on @TP_plc's agenda. Leaders are being trained on mental health awareness and pointed towards the support available. He says a comfort level should be created for managers #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Andrew Harrison says there is a society shift, more openness. It is something that affects everyone. Lynn Street adds that men are most likely to suffer of mental health issues. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM David Haydon says creating more a diverse work environment will help dismantle toxic masculinity tropes that create mental health issues and are "rife" in the industry, says Lynn Street. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Tim Wood makes the point that mental health should be tackled in the same way as physical health is through Health and Safety #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Lynn Street says "you know your work colleagues, take ownership and speak up, be more caring for one another." #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Reina Reeves invites people to "lead with empathy". John Harkness agrees that leaders should "show that they care".
Shanker Patel tell how one of his colleague contacted him for help on how to organise a funeral. "Allowing people to reach out makes a huge difference" #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Andrew Harrison says @TP_plc offered help to staff when Thoma Cook went bust. He later received an email from a staff saying how useful this had been. Everyone agrees that it is all about culture #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Sheri Hughes says @MichaelPageUK have been sharing employees stories for the past 3 years. The experience is that people are opening up more and more. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Shanter Patel says that in his experience people look for someone detached from what they go through, a bit like mentor. Lynn Street talks about mentoring at industry levels. Sheri Hughes talks about reversed mentoring for leaders, learning from minorities for example. #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM David Haydon talks about change management. How to give teams the language to deal with change. Kishor Harsiani talks about @ibcbuyingpower's 4H model (2 Hands take action, but are led by the Head. First though you need to go through the Heart) #UKCW2019
@howarthtimber @IBCbuyingpower @lbm001 @MidlandLead @MichaelPageUK @TP_plc @WolseleyUK @helpmebuildit @bmf_merchants @WCoBM Tim Wood concludes the discussion by pointing out that increasing workplace diversity can boost the UK economy by £24bn a year (source: gov.uk) #UKCW2019
A big thank you to our panel
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