Imogen Howarth, HR Generalist, @howarthtimber
Kishor Harsiani, Strategy & Finance Director, @ibcbuyingpower
Shanker Patel, CEO, @lbm001
Reina Reeves, Branch Manager, @lbm001
Lynn Street, Sales & Marketing Manager, @MidlandLead
Sheri Hughes, Diversity Inclusion Director, @MichaelPageUK
Andrew Harrison, CEO, @TP_plc Plumbing & Heating Division
John Harkness, HR Director, @TP_plc Hire
David Haydon, Chief Commercial Officer, @WolseleyUK
Sheri Hughes adds that younger people have expectations of working in open and diverse environments. #UKCW2019
John Harkness says there is a long way to go but that women tend to perform better when put in position of authority. #UKCW2019
He adds that more women in a the workforce will have positive impact/change the environment for men too (he sites interest (or lack thereof) in football). #UKCW2019
Shanker Patel tell how one of his colleague contacted him for help on how to organise a funeral. "Allowing people to reach out makes a huge difference" #UKCW2019