We'll be live tweeting the event, so watch this space.
If you are at the event, use the hashtag #WhatsTheDealBracknell on social media.

Bracknell MP @DrPhillipLeeMP who was one of the early MPs to resign their ministerial post over Brexit (for the right reasons)
from @OFOCBrexit
from @Lawyers4EU
The grassroots campaigns to halt Brexit are becoming famous around the world.
If you live in Bracknell, why not talk to them about joining their group and helping stop Brexit.
He's exposing how he voted Leave in 2016, but now realises that he was voting on an impossible premise.

Nobody voted for EU citizens to be left in limbo or less money for the NHS.
The notion that the will of the people can subvert the will of the people is ridiculous.
Labour endorsed it at conference.
There will be more like #JoJohnson who are likely to resign the government.
There is still a lot of persuading to do.
Makes the analogy of #informedconsent for a medical procedure as equivalent to a #PeoplesVote
How you feel about it is about your circumstances. How stable your job is etc.
We live in an age when some think it is fine to invite violence or steak those they disagree with.
The EU has a position and will hold to it. There will be no last minute capitulation.
We need to get the #informedconsent of the British People is we are to proceed with it.
We need to get on with being a unified country again.
who founded Lawyers Against Brexit
@Lawyers4EU earlier this year.
Currently they have 70 members and meet on a monthly basis.
Having the Lawyers for #PeoplesVote campaign.

We only have a matter of weeks left now to campaign for a #PeoplesVote
Challenges to the legality of the Leave campaign's actions and Challenges to the A50 notification process.
The constitutional legality is challenged, as is the decision making process by the Prime Minister.
There is some very interesting litigation taking place alongside the political activities in Parliament.
Democracy is not frozen in time.
A democratic vote most be a properly informed vote.
Recent pools mean that Brexit can no longer be claimed to be the will of the people.
@PeoplesMomentum are also supporting a #PeoplesVote
If MPs want to have a #PeoplesVote to #StopBrexitSaveBritain they can. Parliament is sovereign.
@JolyonMaugham from the Good Law Project @GoodLawProject is up now.
days that #JoJohnson phrased it well when he talked about the choice between vassalage and chaos

The is no majority in parliament for #NoDealBrexit
MPs who might tentatively support the current deal will move away if there is a better option than endorsing vassalage
BBC indicate the may not be a vote in withdrawal agreement until 21st December - and this is fairly optimistic timing
The counter argument though is to observe the specific circumstances occurring in the UK.
@Will_DryOFOC Our campaign for a #PeoplesVote probably have days now but months.
Time is of the essence.
We need to focus efforts in the right areas.
Join your local Pro EU groups. If there is not one, set one up.
Gut feel it's that this vote will be in December.
Let parliamentarians know the level of support for a #FinalSay referendum.
There are issues that we don't yet know what the deal will be our exactly what parliamentary procedure may be followed.
A lot comes down to the speaker and whether the votes are amendable which would allow a #PeoplesVote amendment to be slipped in
Everything is up for grabs.
@Will_DryOFOC days that legally this is a possible outcome. The people overstating the likelihood of it have an agenda.
The government things that No Deal may convince MPs to vote for their bad deal.
If MPs want, there are many ways they can stop it.
No Deal is in nobody's interest.
Despite what people think, there are some sensible people in Parliament who are well aware of the risk.
The people raising these problems (us in the room - and many more) are left voiceless as a result.
The world has major issues and countries need to work together to done them.
Both campaigns were deeply flawed and had little if any vision.
We need to see the legal advice on the referendum given by the attorney general.
.@DrPhillipLeeMP says this is one of the issues that most worries him.
#brexit has uncovered some of the darker sides of UK society.
There's a sense that what holds us together is fraying.
A #PeoplesVote will stir this up again and is not an easy choice.
We don't want people to feel scared to record a view.
Other countries across Europe are suffering similar difficulties.
We have to win by being reasonable and decent.
It means participating more in politics. Being politically active.
Our country once led the world, not left the world.
Thanking everyone for the enormous turnout.
We have to give the young people the country that they want and let us enjoy the opportunities that we had.
There are powerful forces against us though. In the media and elsewhere. There is no magic bullet though.
#Brexitchaos #StopBrexitSaveBritain
Personal relationships are often trusted more than the media or experts.
We must continue to believe in tolerance and respect.
We have to realise that we are the grownups now.
Tells people again the importance of joining their local movements.
In Berkshire, Reading, Maidenhead, Wokingham, Slough, West Berks and of course Bracknell
This is important.
Sign up to receive regular updates.
We are the people who make things happen.
Hopefully the whole thread stayed together without to many stray tweets.
Apologies for any predictive text weirdness - hopefully almost all the tweets make sense.