2 to 24 May 2019
From Cape Town to Kigali....

Full house but I'm told some seats can be squeezed at the back if you RSVP here:

Here's @tmurithi12 discussing the Habre case in Senegal & why some African leaders tried to block the trial, worried about setting a precedent for prosecuting former heads of state:
Review of #DistantJustice in the latest @ForeignAffairs
Pic by @_MiaSwart


8:30am, Friday, 10 May 2019
The Heron Portico, Jakaya Kikwete Rd
Hosted by @AfriCOG, @thekhrc & @KPTJ_Kenya
Copies of the book available for ksh.2000

KAMPALA book launch
Tues, 12 May, 2pm
International Crimes Division, High Court
Hosted by @refugeelawproj & ICD
RSVP to @jackodong
Come along if you're interested in the #ICC, peace, justice & reconciliation in Uganda

The discussants on #DistantJustice will be Ocey Laury Lawrence, Henry Komakech & Margaret Ajok.
Hosted by Arthur Owor @Owor7 & the Centre for African Research. RSVP to Arthur. Details below.

The book launch will close the @Aegis_Trust Research & Policy conference. Come and hear the brilliant Rwandan researchers over the two preceding days.
Organised by @ndamuk @sashenge

Hosted by @refugeelawproj & ICD
Discussants Judge Elizabeth Nahamya & Margaret Ajok
We'll debate future of #ICC, Ongwen & Kwoyelo trials, peace, justice & reconciliation in Uganda
RSVP @jackodong

Huge thanks @refugeelawproj @jackodong @DrChrisDolan & the ICD for such an electric event in Kampala yesterday.
Now packing up, about to jump on the bus to Gulu for the launch on Friday...

Friday, 17 May, Bomah Hotel, 2pm.
Discussants: Henry Komakech, Grace Akello & Laurie Acen.
Hosted by @Owor7 Centre for African Research

Looking forward to an afternoon of quality debate about the #ICC & its impact in northern Uganda & beyond, moderated by @Owor7 from the Centre for African Research.

More books are on their way to Kampala & Gulu. For anyone who wants it right now, the e-book is available here: ebooks.com/en-ug/96332250…

Friday, 24 May, 2pm
Marriott Hotel
Discussants: Florida Kabasinga & Charity Wibabara
Hosted by @Aegis_Trust
RSVP to Gisele.Iradukunda@aegistrust.org.rw